£335 Lego thief and stalker who harassed victim sentenced - Hull court round-up

Hull Magistrates' Court
Hull Magistrates' Court -Credit:Hull Live

A thief who stole £335 worth of Lego and a stalker who persistently contacted and turned up at the home of his victim have been sentenced at Hull Magistrates Court in recent days.

While some cases were adjourned to be tried at a later date and others sent to Hull Crown Court, magistrates in Hull still did not hesitate to hand out prison sentences, suspended sentences and hefty fines to offenders from across the area.

Here are a selection of cases heard at Hull Magistrates Court last week.


Phillip Forsyth, 43, of Newland Avenue, Hull pleaded guilty to seven counts of theft from a shop in which he stole Lego worth £335 from Smyths, Twix chocolates worth £30 from Heron and Smarties chocolates worth £12, also from Heron. He also pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause the victim to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against them. He was given a 12-month suspended sentence and ordered to comply with drug rehabilitation.

Jordan Sadler, 28, of Watts Road, Beverley indicated a plea of guilty to stalking a person which caused them serious alarm or distress, in which he persistently telephoned and sent messages and emails to the victim and attended their home address. He was given a two-year suspended sentence, a three-year restraining order and ordered to comply with the Building Better Relationships programme. He was also ordered to pay a £154 victim services surcharge and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Hull Magistrates Court
Hull Magistrates Court -Credit:Hull Live

Kerry Smyth, 30, of no fixed abode indicated pleas of guilty to ten counts of theft from a shop in which she stole £430 worth of items from Sainsbury's on multiple occasions. She was jailed for six weeks.

Dale Rumble, 28, of Perran Close, Hull was found guilty of two counts of breaching a non-molestation order in which he made contact with a person by mobile phone which he was prohibited from doing. He was given a two-year suspended sentence, administered with an electronic tag and ordered to undergo the Building Better Relationships programme. He was also ordered to pay a £154 victim services surcharge and £20 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Liam Allison, 35, of Griffin Road, Hull pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating and one count of theft from a shop in which he stole two coats worth £440 from Go Outdoors on Clough Road Retail Park. He was ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and pay £440 in compensation.

Eric Puckering, 38, of Hereford Street, Hull indicated a plea of guilty to the theft of wooden planks belonging to a builders' merchant company. He was fined £80 and ordered to pay a £32 victim services surcharge.

David Allen, 43, of no fixed abode pleaded guilty to one count of criminal damage in which he damaged three bottles of whiskey worth £91 inside an Asda supermarket. He was jailed for 28 days and ordered to pay £91 in compensation.

Charlie Macmillan, 18, of Ornis Court, Hull pleaded guilty to knowingly being carried in a vehicle that was taken without the owner's consent. He was ordered to pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service and fined £80.