33 Colossally Dumb Things I Can't Believe People Posted On The Internet This Month

1.This Christian, who forgot about one of the most famous parts of the Bible:

Tweet by Tiff Shuttlesworth claiming that God and Earth have never produced alcohol. Reader's note below states that Jesus turned water into wine
u/wach_era13 / Via reddit.com

2.These people, who forgot about Spain:

Comments section featuring humorous text posts: "You can’t be Spanish, no one is," "I’m not Spanish, no one is," and "Firstable, Spanish is language, not a nationality."
u/3daysofspring / Via reddit.com

3.And this person, who was reminded:

Text describes a person initially surprised that a white-skinned girl speaking Spanish was not Mexican/Latina but actually Spanish
u/cyberchrono / Via reddit.com

4.This person, who suggested Americans aren't colonizers:

Social media comment exchange: "We don’t know geography because we weren’t colonizers. We could have taken over after World War II but didn’t.” Reply says, “USA aren’t colonisers?”
u/Senior_Sheepherder13 / Via reddit.com

5.This person, who forgot that May is, in fact, National Military Appreciation Month:

A Facebook post reads, "We should dedicate a month to Veterans before we have a Pride month!" Comment below reads, "We did. It's May. I'd think a veteran would know that..."
u/Di35ie / Via reddit.com

6.This person, who was really, really confused:

A screenshot shows a conversation. Person A asks "What's your ethnicity?" Person B replies "I was born in Nepal." Person A reacts with "Damn that's what's up" and "So you speak Napoleon?"
u/No_Maybe5293 / Via reddit.com

7.This person, who chose the wrong word:

The image shows a humorous exchange in an online comment section discussing the difference between "self-defecating" and "self-deprecating" humor
u/AssistantFormal7079 / Via reddit.com

8.This hapless traveler:

Summary of text: A person asks if they should bring Euros for a 2-week trip to Italy, mentioning various cities. They seek advice on how much to bring for small purchases
u/Soldier_OfCum / Via reddit.com

9.This bigot, who was clearly confused:

A news tweet by KATV News about Arkansas' policy on gender-neutral driver's licenses with a sample license image and a highlighted comment "There’s only 2 chromosomes."
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

10.This person, who tweeted one of the stupidest questions ever:

Text image reads: "If the holocaust was so bad, why are there so many survivors?"
u/FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

11.These dinosaur deniers:

Candace Owens tweets humorously about dinosaurs and meteors; Dr. Steve Turley replies comparing it to a kids' cartoon
u/Darth_Vrandon / Via reddit.com

12.This person, who thought they got a "fake" avocado:

A Facebook post shows an avocado with a red surface inside. The post complains about fake food, particularly avocados, and includes a reaction comment
u/vidanyabella / Via reddit.com

13.Whoever posted this "quote" from Albert Einstein, who was notably nonreligious:

The image contains text about a student, Albert Einstein, explaining that evil is the absence of God, similar to how darkness is the absence of light
chardeemacdennisbird / Via reddit.com

14.This misinformed person, who suggested "Europe isn't very big":

Facebook comment saying, "Europe isn't very big. What would you do for 2 weeks?" with 884 likes and laughing emoji reactions
u/60svintage / Via reddit.com

15.This person, who didn't understand sunsets:

Two sky photos: top photo shows a bright sun in a clear sky; bottom photo shows a sunset. The caption questions how the sun's appearance changes yet goes unnoticed
u/vidanyabella / Via reddit.com

16.Along with every idiot in the comments:

Facebook comments from multiple users discussing changes in plant growth and brightness due to nearby lights. Users mention the impact on their plants and reminiscent experiences with tanning beds
u/vidanyabella / Via reddit.com

17.Along with these people, who suggested the sun was "dimming":

A social media post questions if the sun has stopped "bleaching" items, followed by a comment suggesting the sun's strength has diminished in recent years
u/JadedAyr / Via reddit.com

18.These people, who didn't understand clouds:

An extensive cloud formation is shown, covering part of the sky. A tweet reads: "It's heartbreaking when my youngest son's eyes light up and he points and says 'Look at the sky!' I'm like it's not the sky."
u/Lord_Answer_me_Why / Via reddit.com

19.This tattooer:

Customer review of tattoo needles, rated 5 stars. Reviewer states needles stay sharp, can complete about 15 large tattoos per needle, and recommends purchase
u/40orangeglazecake / Via reddit.com

20.This parent, who was failing their child:

Facebook post with 189 comments: A parent of an 8-year-old asks about unschooling and children's natural reading development, seeking anecdotes and support
u/TinyRascalSaurus / Via reddit.com

21.This person, who doesn't think the egg carries any DNA:

A Twitter thread discussing whether the sperm or the egg carries human DNA, with varying opinions and reactions
u/champdo / Via reddit.com

22.This man, who thought he knew more about menstruation than women:

Conversation on Twitter about menstruation, with one user stating it stops after having a baby. Another user questions how a man can tell a woman about periods
FalconLynx13 / Via reddit.com

23.And this clueless fellow man:

A Reddit post from a user asking why young girls don't wait until they are 18 to start having periods, stating it is gross
u/MeanBradsMistress / Via reddit.com

24.This coach, who apparently had no idea that people have died from heatstroke:

Screenshot of a Facebook post by a high school football coach addressing the commitment and values they expect from their players regarding practice and social media use
u/bookworm8232 / Via reddit.com

25.This Harry Potter fan, who was vastly misinformed about the KKK:

A meme comparing Death Eaters from "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" to the KKK, with a humorous comment below: "What do you mean 'evil version'?"
u/wach_era13 / Via reddit.com

26.And this parent, who didn't realize the average IQ is 100:

A tweet about homeschooling and vaccine beliefs. The shared image shows an IQ test result of 78, indicating they are smarter than 7% of the population
u/Fun-Conversation6575 / Via reddit.com

27.These clueless idiots:

Screenshot of comments discussing "China's Pilot's Eye: Two pretty female pilots flying A320" full version. Comments contain sexist and insulting remarks about female pilots
u/Rafa-Balon17 / Via reddit.com

28.This person, who thought "chivalry" was actually "shivery":

Screenshot of a Facebook comment reading, "There is so much wrong with comments on here it’s actually made me realize why shivery is dead and I have a genuine dislike for people."
u/Usual_Percentage_408 / Via reddit.com

29.And this parent, who thought "sophomore" was actually "soft more":

A Facebook post from 49 minutes ago reads: "I have a sophomore now!!! This year flew by and [Name] did excellent!" The post has 2 comments
u/Boo_cokky / Via reddit.com

30.This person, who thought the moon landing was fake:

A Facebook post showing Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and Michael Collins' star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a caption praising NASA
u/beerslammer / Via reddit.com

31.This confused tick-fearer:

Comment expressing fear of ticks and Lyme disease, suggesting ticks are genetically modified spiders created by big pharma, and criticizing doctors and ticks
u/Echelon906 / Via reddit.com

32.This person, who made a mind-boggling assertation:

A social media post by nada_klew reads: "Dubai is where sad rich people go. Happy rich people go to places like Hawaii and surf."
u/LovelyYourFoxxy / Via reddit.com

33.And finally, this idiot, who Taylor Swift is definitely not interested in:

A man stands on a rocky beach looking at the ocean. Text reads, "POV: Taylor Swift's life if she just shut up for two seconds and made her man a sandwich & fetched him a ice cold beer..."
u/DiorRoses / Via reddit.com