5 THINGS TO KNOW: What is Design An Ad and when is the deadline?
Apr. 2—The McAlester News-Capital details the Design An Ad project that has a deadline coming soon.
1 What is Design An Ad?
Design An Ad is a fun annual project that encourages students to pick their favorite local business and create an advertisement for them.
2 How does it work?
Students in first grade up to seniors in high school can participate in the project. Teachers at McAlester schools received Design An Ad packets in recent weeks and can distribute them to students ahead of the deadline.
3 How should students design the ad?
Students should draw the ad in pencil first and then go over with a black felt tip marker.
4 Is there a prize for the best ads?
Yes! Prizes will be awarded for the top three ads in each grade — plus a prize for the Grand Champion.
5 When is the deadline and when will they be published?
Drawings will be picked up from the schools on Wednesday, April 17, and can be dropped off at the McAlester News-Capital anytime between now and April 17. As many "Design An Ads" as possible will be published in the McAlester News-Capital on Saturday, May 4. More information is available by calling 918-421-2007.
—Derrick James