5 THINGS TO KNOW: How to signup eligible children for the Chickasaw Nation's Summer EBT program
Apr. 23—The Chickasaw Nation details the tribe's Summer EBT program for eligible school children in participating school districts in south-central and southeastern Oklahoma.
1 What is the Summer EBT program?
This program allows qualifying families to receive $40 of free food per child per month for May, June and July. Once approved, Summer EBT cards will be mailed to the address provided, along with a list of participating stores. You will also receive a food card and shopping list to help identify approved food items.
2 What makes my child eligible for the program?
Participants must have a child enrolled in a participating school district in grades Pre-K-12 who receives free or reduced-cost meals at school.
Participation in this program will have no impact on other government assistance you and your child receive.
3 Does my child have to be Native American to qualify?
This federally funded program is available to anyone; you do not have to be Native American to qualify.
4 What area school districts are participating?
Hartshorne, Krebs, McAlester, Pittsburg, Quinton, Wilburton, Savanna, Kiowa, Haileyville, Frink-Chambers, Canadian, Crowder, Indianola, Stuart, and Tannehill. A complete list of participating schools can be found online at chickasaw.net/SummerEBT.
5 Where can I apply for the program?
An online application is available at chickasaw.net/SummerEBT. Those without internet access can apply by calling 580-272-1178 or 844-256-3467 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.
—Derrick James