58 Things Non-Americans See In Movies That Confuse The Absolute Heck Out Of Non-Americans

Over the last 5-10 years, X has become a place where non-Americans ask questions about Americans based on what they've seen in movies and TV shows.

Elderly man with beard holding up an American flag indoors, expressing enthusiasm
Synthetic-exposition / Getty Images

Because these questions are always funny to me, I've compiled 58 of my ALL-TIME favorites.

1.The way Americans are always talking about the last four digits of their social security numbers.

2.Their obsession with Halloween.

3. The use of "like."

Twitter: @DaGirlShellyann

4. School dances.

Twitter: @barfieldgussy

5.How they're always heating up water in the microwave.

6.The way they "chew" pills.

7.How they never say goodbye on the phone.

8.The way they never take their shoes off when they enter someone's house.

9.How they're always eating loads of meatloaf.

10.The use of the phrase "Just get some rest."

11.The way Americans call people "jerks" and "douches."

12.The way they eat ice cream out of the tub.

13.The way they walk out with a box of their crap when they get fired from their jobs.

14.How they're always "going for dessert."

15.The "fake baby" school assignments.

16.The way they play "trees" and other inanimate objects in school plays.

17.How they're always comparing things to the length of football fields.

18.How they always try to stop natural disasters.

19.The way they call their dog "pooch."

20.The way Americans "grab" a cup of coffee.

21.All of the guns.

22.The way they call their sons "son."

23.How they call their dad "old man."

24.How they have bread rolls with every meal.


26.The way they eat Pop Tarts for breakfast.

27.The way they always flee to Mexico.

28.The way they order a beer.

29.High school reunions.

30.The way Americans are always watching golf on TV.

31.Dissecting frogs.

32.The overuse of paper plates.

33.The use of the phrase "How you holding up?"

34.The way Americans always say people's first and last names.

35.Sweet sixteens.

36.Red plastic cups.

37.The fact that they're always climbing through people's windows.

38.Chinese takeout boxes.

39.Devilled eggs.

40.How they're always crying.

41.Prescription drug commercials.

42. The way they always drink glasses of milk.

Twitter: @LucasOakeley

43. Yellow school buses.

Twitter: @twiliocarina

44. How they're always sleeping in their underwear.

Twitter: @saranghaeteez

45. Frat houses.

Twitter: @juliapye

46. All of the PB&J sandwiches.

Twitter: @uxthom

47. Garbage disposals.

Twitter: @rheastwt

48. The tiny TVs in their kitchens.

Twitter: @emh9817

49. Christmas card photos.

Twitter: @jinxyble

50. The way they get their mail delivered through a hole in a door.

Twitter: @torturedfuture

51. The baby room in the hospital.

Twitter: @ellisLouise_

52. Coffee creamer.

Twitter: @RoyceEmanuelle

53. Christmas caroling.

Twitter: @4everahater

54. The way Americans start eating or drinking things in the supermarket before paying for it.

Twitter: @weezerfan001

55. The way they always ask to "thank the chef."

Twitter: @uhluvlucy

56. College application essays.

Twitter: @mygquacky

57. Casually chatting on roofs.

Twitter: @OnlyZans

58. And lastly, tequila. There's always tequila.

Twitter: @petite_melanin