6 Things that Men Find Irresistible in Women

A good foreplay is something that starts long before you hit the bedroom. You may be a goddess in bed but unless you know ‘how to turn on a guy’ (without shedding off clothes!) you are certainly missing out a great chance to spice up your sex- life. As assumed by most of the girls, turn on for guys doesn’t ‘start and end in bed.’

The best way to kindle romance in relationships is to play around with time, place and style. Keep the Sex in air and let your actions take the charge! Add humour, fun, sneaky moves and everything you can do to bring spark inside the bedroom walls.

Go out for Dinner
Now, on this dinner, you are just allowed to talk about your hidden fantasies. Whisper some naughty things in his ear. For men it’s really a turn 'ON', when women acts naughty with them, especially at a public place. All these talks will explode his mind in ecstasy and eventually leading to a great sex for the two of you.

Sexy Tip: Order foods that are lascivious like chocolate cake or mousse. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA) which releases same endorphins that flood our bodies during love-making.

Smart Cooking
Cooking for your lover is not just romantic but if done ‘smartly’, it can be really sexy! How? Just make the dinner that requires no extra sponsors like forks, spoons, and knife. Your entire dinner should have things that can be eaten with fingers. Feed this special meal to your partner with your own hands. Wanna add more spice? Put a chocolate in your mouth and slowly kiss your sweetheart to share it.

Reveal your Wild side
Though sounds shallow, but it’s true that one of the biggest turn on for a man is ‘Skin.’  When you’re alone make a ‘private’ clipping of yourself on mobile. (Take inspiration from you tube!) When you meet him, tell him you have downloaded something cool from net and ask him to open it. This unexpected peek-a-boo will drive him crazy and totally turn him ‘On.’ (Remember to delete the clip afterwards)

Get Set Wet!
Since, you have cooked such a sumptuous meal for him; he will be more than willing to help you in kitchen. So, ask him to help you in washing the dishes and while doing so, start a water fight. Water fights are a way sexier than food fights. Also, studies have proved that couples who do household chores together get to experiment with 'new places' at 'different times' instead of waiting for night and bedroom for initiating the action.

Love Date!
When was the last time you just let your fingers do the talking? Well, time to plan an hour long pure ‘love date’ with him. Borrow the teenage style i.e. No ‘below the belt’ contact. It will break clichéd actions and bring more novelty in your bedroom life. This will also help you both discover new 'hot' spots than the already explored ones!

Go Shopping!
Men hate shopping because they are made to sit on the couch doing nothing! Well time to add fun for him. It is believed men love everything that visually enhances their sensuous experience. So, take advantage of this, ask him to pick clothes for you. Be his personal model, he would simply love to see you coming out in front of him in different sexy outfits picked by him.

There are so many ways by which you can build anticipation before you two go for the actual thing. These were some of the naughty things you can do with your man leaving him craving even more for you.

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