8 Questions I Have After The Virgin River Season 5 Part 1 Finale

 Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson in Virgin River
Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson in Virgin River

Virgin River loves a good cliffhanger. This season is no exception with so many of them to take us into the second part of Season 5. The hit Netflix series answered plenty of lingering questions from Season 4 but added so many new questions. We may have to wait months to get some answers for many of the Virgin River Season 5 questions. Additionally, we probably have to wait even longer for most of the major reveals and cliffhangers from Season 5 Part 1.

A few of the questions deal with romantic entanglements, shocking twists, and the future of some of the beloved Virgin River residents. We have so many questions, so let’s dive right into them.

Warning Virgin River Season 5 Spoilers are ahead. Proceed with caution.

David Cubitt in Virgin River Season 5
David Cubitt in Virgin River Season 5

What Will Happen Now That Calvin Has Returned?

We ended Virgin River Season 4 believing that Calvin (David Cubitt) was dead. However, in the last moments of Virgin River Season 5, he reappears. He only reveals himself to Charmaine (Lauren Hammersley), who is already a questionable character, but now the plot thickens. Calvin reveals that not only is he not dead but he seems to believe that he’s the father of Charmaine’s twins.

Our mouths dropped all the way to the ground with this reveal. There is a lot more to this story that we need to find out. First, we need to know if Calvin really is the father, or if he just believes he is the father of her unborn children. Additionally, we need to know the nature of their relationship. Charmaine seemed pretty afraid of him during this quick interaction, so that seems to imply their romance — if it was that — didn’t end well. We want to know the full story of Charmaine and Calvin.

With Calvin back, trouble will likely follow him. The crime world continues on Virgin River.

Colin Lawrence on Virgin River Season 5
Colin Lawrence on Virgin River Season 5

Will Preacher’s Involvement in Wes’s Death Be Exposed?

Kaia (Kandyse McClure) and Preacher (Colin Lawrence) are blissfully happy, but a work call could end this euphoria. In the Virgin River Season 5 Part 1 finale, Kaia gets a call that says a body has been recovered. Preacher wonders if it’s someone who died from the wildfires. However, Kaia reveals the body has been buried there for a while. This means that it could be Wes’s (Steve Bacic) body that has been found.

As Virgin River fans may recall, Preacher helped Paige (Lexa Doig) cover up the accidental death of her abusive ex-husband. Paige seems long gone from Virgin River, but she may return if the body is recovered. Preacher could also be in a lot of trouble for his involvement. Preacher may confess what happened to Kaia and put her in a difficult position. Most likely, knowing how important Kaia’s job is to her, she may be conflicted on whether to help further cover up how Preacher helped Paige.

Whether she helps or not, this could drive a wedge between them. Additionally, it might not be Wes's body and we have another mysterious death in Virgin River.

Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson in Virgin River
Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson in Virgin River

Who is Mel’s Father?

The biggest Virgin River cliffhanger is that we learn that Mel’s (Alexandra Breckenridge) mother had an affair with someone in Virgin River. Her sister suspects that Mel’s birth father may be in town. Mel’s birth father will likely be a major storyline in the upcoming season. We’ll also find out if he’s someone we already know in town, or a new character entirely. He also could still be the father she already knew.

Hopefully, if he isn't the father she already knows, then he’s a new character because that could add some potential new exciting characters and expand Mel’s family. The cliche route would be if Mel’s father was someone we know well like Doc Mullins (Tim Matheson). That would be too predictable and it would be a bit too unbelievable that he had two children that he never knew existed.

Ben Hollingsworth and Zibby Allen in Virgin River Season 5
Ben Hollingsworth and Zibby Allen in Virgin River Season 5

Are Brady And Brie Over For Good?

Brady (Ben Hollingsworth) and Brie (Zibby Allen) have been through a lot in their relationship. However, they seemed pretty strong as a couple at the end of Season 4 and the start of Season 5, but Brady’s need to keep secrets pushed them apart. It also pushed Brie into the arms of solid and dependable Mike (Marco Grazzini). Brady also finds himself in the very early stages of a romance with Lark (Elise Gatien).

We know that Mike and Brie are a couple in the Virgin River book, which likely means that they’re the show’s endgame. However, that doesn’t mean the show couldn’t change directions and have Brady and Brie get back together. Additionally, the show could go the old-fashioned love triangle route with Brie torn between the two men. Brady and Brie seemed pretty final, and I am excited to watch Mike and Brie’s romantic development, but it wouldn’t shock me if things weren’t quite over between Brady and Brie.

Kandyse Mcclure and Colin Lawrence in Virgin River Season 5
Kandyse Mcclure and Colin Lawrence in Virgin River Season 5

How Long Will Kaia Stay In Virgin River?

Kaia and Preacher have already had some major obstacles in their relationship, including Kaia’s husband (soon-to-be ex-husband). Nevertheless, their biggest obstacle may be Kaia’s borrowed time. Because of her firefighter job, her time in Virgin River may be temporary. I really like Kaia and Preacher together, and it seems like it could be a solid, long-term love story for him.

I just don’t know if the Virgin River writers plan to keep her around to give Preacher that romantic happily ever after.

Sarah Dugdale and Kai Bradbury in Virgin River Season 5
Sarah Dugdale and Kai Bradbury in Virgin River Season 5

Is Lizzie Really Pregnant?

Lizzie (Sarah Dugdale) shocks everyone, especially Denny (Kai Bradbury) when she reveals that she thinks she’s pregnant. This news comes at a particularly bad time because Denny had just started to consider leaving Virgin River to travel and go back to school. Lizzie and Denny were almost having too much of a smooth ride in Virgin River Season 5. It was only a matter of time before something disrupted their happy union.

Lizzie spends most of Season 5 finding herself career-wise. A baby just doesn’t seem like it’s in her near future plans. I believe we may see Lizzie and Denny make some difficult decisions that will force these already mature young people to grow up even faster.

Martin Henderson and Alexandra Breckinridge in Virgin River Season 5
Martin Henderson and Alexandra Breckinridge in Virgin River Season 5

Will Mel And Jack Begin The Process Of Starting A Family?

Seeing the start of Mel and Jack (Martin Henderson) becoming parents was one of the things we were most excited to see in Season 4 and Season 5. Virgin River brought us the unfortunate storyline of Mel’s miscarriage. We all mourned alongside Mel and Jack, but we also saw hope for their future. They open the door to becoming parents in whatever way that happens.

With Lizzie’s sudden pregnancy, It wouldn't surprise me if the show had Mel and Jack adopt her child. It just seems kind of suspicious that Lizzie is suddenly pregnant, and they may look into adoption. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to watching Jack and Mel’s journey to parenthood, whether that's next season or in future seasons.

Tim Matheson and Annette O'Toole in Virgin River Season 5
Tim Matheson and Annette O'Toole in Virgin River Season 5

Will The Clinical Trial Save Doc’s Eyesight?

Doc was preparing to give over his clinic to Cameron (Mark Ghanime) because of his declining eyesight. Doc gets a possible miracle when he’s selected for an experimental clinical trial that could save or slow down the process of losing his eyesight.

Now, I am a bit worried for Doc, because this clinical trial could end up having drastic negative effects. Virgin River has no problem doing something cruel to its characters, so I feel my fears are warranted. Hopefully, Doc saves his eyesight with this and not some other dark outcome.

Virgin River has already been renewed for Season 6, so fans don’t have to live in limbo about whether these questions will be answered. Virgin River Season 5 Part 2 also premieres on November 30, so we may not have to wait too long for some of the answers to these questions.

Stream Virgin River Season 5 Part 1 on Netflix.