9 reasons why you must watch Freaks and Geeks on Netflix

If you’re looking for something new to watch on Netflix, look no further than Freaks and Geeks.

The show aired in America between 1999 and 2000 and now has a cult following, despite only having 18 episodes.

The show, created by Paul Feig and executive produced by Judd Apatow features some of the most popular names in comedy today.

Here’s why you must watch Freaks and Geeks if you haven’t already:

1. The Opening Credits

Freaks and Geeks has outrageously cool, yet simplistic, opening credits. Set to the amazing soundtrack of Joan Jett’s ‘Bad Reputation’ the cast line up and take their yearbook photo, one by one.

Sit back and be amazed by how many big names feature as well as their poses and actions, which perfectly summarise their characters.

2. The Music

The show’s good music isn’t limited to the opening credits. Expect plenty of Van Halen and The Who and, without giving too much away, a little ditty sung by Jason Segel’s Nick.

3. The Familiar Main Cast

If you’re a fan of American comedy movies, you’ll recognise the main cast.

James Franco, Seth Rogen and Jason Segel star as the ‘freaks’, while Samm Levine, Martin Starr and John Francis Daley are the ‘geeks’.

Linda Cardellini and Busy Philipps are the main female cast members, portraying Lindsay and Kim.

There are no weak links amongst the cast and you will end up loving every single character.

4. The Recurring Cast and Guest Stars too

Not only does the show benefit from an amazing main cast, there are so many familiar faces in recurring or guest starring roles.

To name a few of these actors, you can expect to see Ben Foster, Lizzy Caplan, Kayla Ewell, Dave “Gruber” Allen, Samaire Armstrong, Alex Breckenridge, Matt Czurchry, Rashida Jones, David Krumholtz, Jason Schwartzman, Shia LaBeouf, Leslie Mann and even Ben Stiller across the show’s 18 episodes.

5. You’ll Actually Care about the Characters

Freaks and Geeks has always been applauded for its realism and the show will seriously take you back. The Geeks will make you think back to the days when you were just becoming a teenager and learning about the ways of the world with such naivety and the Freaks will take you back to the indecision of where you wanted to be and what you wanted to do after school.

6. The Geeks’ one liners

There are so many moments of ingenuity throughout the show but Sam (John Francis Daley), Neil (Samm Levine) and Bill (Martin Starr) have the most quotable lines on the show.

Whether they’re commenting on adolescent life or joking with one another, theirs are the lines that you will remember at the end of the 18 episodes.

7. You’ll Want More

Unsurprisingly, with only 18 episodes, the series features on pretty much every “TV shows cancelled before their time” list.

While the show had a nice enough open ending, none of the characters really knew what they wanted to do next so it’s up to the viewer to decide from endless possibilities.

The cast have shared their thoughts on what the gang would be up to at recent reunion panels, but there was never really a sense of finality.

8. The Pop Culture

As the show was set between 1980 and 1981, it isn’t modern culture that is referenced, but some amazing blasts from the past.

There are moments of genius throughout the 18 episodes, including Bill watching that episode of Dallas.

Watch and be taken back to a wonderful era.

9. It’s Binge-Watch Worthy

You’ll get through the 18 episodes in no time, and then you’ll want to watch them all over again.

(Image Credit: Variety)