Abandoned and sinking Beeston canal boat will not be removed

A general view from bridge of a partially sunken boat in the Beeston Canal off Canal Side in Beeston, Nottingham, with grass bank on right and other boats in background
The boat appears to have been neglected -Credit:Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post

An abandoned boat on the Nottingham & Beeston Canal will not be removed despite appearing to be sinking, the Canal and River Trust says. Pictures show the fishing boat halfway under water and leaning to the left around 250 metres from Beeston Lock, where the canal meets the River Trent on its west side.

But unlike a boat further up the canal, which the Trust said it would remove after two years, this one has recently been refloated and the Trust are seeking to make contact with the boat's owner as it is currently unlicensed. Any boat travelling on one of the 96 canals the CRT looks after in the UK needs a licence.

The boat, which is tied to a post on the grass bank next to the water, appears to have gone untouched for a long time. The top of the boat is dirty and various materials are visible on top, including wooden posts and an orange bottle of what looks like suncream.

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Boats without an up-to-date licence can be removed from the water. Owners can also be prosecuted and fined up to £1,000.

A spokesperson for the Canal & River Trust said: "We are aware of the boat. It’s recently been refloated and we’re in the process of contacting the owner to support them in getting the boat licensed."

Broxtowe Borough Council was also contacted for comment but said it has no involvement in the mooring of boats on canals.