'Absolutely ridiculous' fume residents as engine will be axed from Nuneaton Fire Station

'Lives will be lost' fear locals as an engine will be axed from Nuneaton Fire Station. They have reacted to the news that Warwickshire County Council has no plans to change its proposals for the Newtown Road-based station.

CoventryLive reported that, as a result of the 1,300-strong response to its consultation into its 'Resource to Risk' proposals for Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service some changes have been made. But not the plans for Nuneaton station.

The county council is forging ahead with the plan to lose one of the full-time two engines at the local station. The second engine would be sent to Bedworth Fire Station, which would no longer be an 'on-call station' and instead have a manned crew in the day.

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However, this move would leave Nuneaton and Bedworth with just one engine to cover the entire borough at night and it is something that has both angered and worried residents.

Many took to the Nuneaton News page on Facebook to share their concerns and Cheryl Kane posted: "Absolutely ridiculous decision. And it’s going to cost lives." Stephen Edwards said: "With more people coming to live in the area, they cover M6, so they should have more."

Gloria Packer added: "What a ridiculous idea it's hard enough for them now trying to get through the traffic let alone one appliance down."

The county council has said that the plans will improve response times, but Ali Mayoll posted: "So according to WCC it'll improve responses in Bedworth granted, but only if incidents happen during the day - wheres the logic, it wouldn't be so bad if it was to be a 24 hour on-call service. Yet again just another cost-cutting exercise by WCC at the risk of the residents who pay their council tax. You won't see a reduction in ct (Council Tax) in line with the reduction in the service- guaranteed."

In a comment, a spokesperson for the county council said: "The proposed model is set out to align resources to activity levels and risk across the county. The proposed model improves response times to life and property incidents across Nuneaton and Bedworth."

On Wednesday (June 26) the revised plans will go to the county council's resources and fire and rescue overview and scrutiny meeting for debate. Their recommendations will then be made to the cabinet, who are due to meet on Tuesday, July 16.

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