Abuser spared jail after tearing off wife's false lashes and dragging her through car window

A man who dragged his wife through a car window and ripped off her fake eyelashes has been spared jail.

Liam Hardman, 30, has been told to carry out a 'Better Relationships' course to protect future partners from his violence. Lisa Worsley, prosecuting, told Preston Crown Court that Hardman had attacked his wife on two separate occasions.

During an incident in Leyland on February 12, 2023, Hardman verbally abused his wife in a courtesy car as they went to her parents house to collect a set of keys. He punched the car roof and steering wheel, causing damage, then 'laid into her' the court heard.

He grabbed the woman's face, tore off her lashes and snatched her mobile phone. The woman managed to run away from the vehicle and sought help from a couple, telling them not to let him near her. The couple called the police and the woman went to Chorley hospital with bruising to her arm, knee and a cut to her finger.


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On January 3, 2023, the couple argued about an electric scooter the woman had bought for his daughter. Hardman called his wife a 'weirdo' and the woman replied he had not contributed anything towards Christmas.

Hardman went to the car and his wife leaned through the passenger window and asked for her disabled badge.

"It was like a switch flicked", Ms Worsley said. Hardman pulled his wife forcefully through the open open, causing her injury to her shoulder.

She went to Chorley Hospital where it was confirmed she had a soft tissue injury to her clavicle and was given a sling to support her arm. Hardman, of Chelasea Avenue, Radcliffe, pleaded guilty to two counts of ABH.

Defending, Sarah Magill said the defendant had grown up around domestic abuse and that sadly such things could be 'cyclical'. She said he was grieving his partner, who died by suicide, when he met his wife and the relationship moved very quickly.

"He was caught up in romanticism, fuelled by grief", she said. "The relationship was rushed into in a way it shouldn't have been."

The marriage has since ended and Hardman is not in any relationship, Ms Magill said.

Sentencing, Judge Guy Mathieson said: "What is always upsetting in a domestic case is that it often comes about because of what you have experienced. What I have read in the papers is that you saw domestic abuse as a child and that is something that has clouded everything.

"Instead of reacting the other way - I am never going to put a woman in the position my mother was put in, you are now just repeating that cycle, causing a woman fear, causing a woman to be spat at, her hair pulled, her eyelashes yanked off.

"Does that make you feel big? Does that make you feel clever? Make you feel worthwhile?

"It is hideous to hear about and that is why I don't accept any victim of domestic violence shrugs her shoulders and gets on with her life. They don't know if the next partner is going to be the same.

"They don't know if you might turn up and try to rekindle the relationship - and very often that leads to more violence."

However the judge said there were 'two sides' to Hardman, as he had read about two women who had children with him who were happy with his involvement.

"Ms Magill has pointed out that you were in an emotional state and you weren't ready. That is the problem with relationships - that you never know when they are going to happen.

"She could have been the one. She could have been the one that landed you in prison too."

Judge Mathieson accepted that there was "work to be done" with the defendant. He handed down a sentence of 12 months suspended for 18 months with 25 days rehabilitation activity requirements to address the 'long standing deficits' in his thinking.

He also made a restraining order and warned Hardman he must stay away from his ex wife's home or anywhere he knew she was likely to be - and if he saw her by chance he must walk away.