Academic’s attempt to sue UAE officials who tortured him is thrown out

Matthew Hedges, pictured in London in November 2021
Matthew Hedges, pictured in London in November 2021 - CHRISTOPHER PLEDGER/TELEGRAPH

An attempt by a British academic to sue four senior United Arab Emirates officials he accused of ordering his imprisonment and torture has been dismissed by the High Court.

Matthew Hedges had lodged a claim for compensation against the four senior security officials for assault, false imprisonment and the intentional infliction of psychiatric injury during his detention in Abu Dhabi between May and November 2018.

The case was thrown out after the officials claimed immunity under the State Immunity Act 1978.

The four officials, who included Maj Gen Ahmed Nasser al-Raisi, the inspector-general of the UAE and current president of Interpol, and Major-General Mohammed Khalfan al-Rumaithi, who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Abu Dhabi police at the time of Mr Hedges’ detention, had argued that UK nationals cannot sue foreign individuals in the British courts over actions which allegedly took place in a foreign state.

Lawyers for Mr Hedges had previously argued that there should be no barrier in the UK courts to sue those who were responsible for the torture of UK nationals abroad.

Nasser al-Raisi, inspector-general of the UAE, president of Interpol and one of the officials sued by Matthew Hedges
Nasser al-Raisi, inspector-general of the UAE, president of Interpol and one of the officials sued by Matthew Hedges - Ipixelpro/Creative Commons

But following Friday’s hearing, his legal team agreed to discontinue his claim, leaving the court to rule that the case against the men was to be dismissed.

Mr Justice Soole ruled: “The claims by the claimant Matthew Hedges are dismissed, with no order as to costs.”

Representatives for Mr Hedges said they could not make any comments at this stage.

Kingsley Napley, who acted for the four officials, said in a statement: “In light of the application to their claims of the State Immunity Act 1978 and the relevant case law, the claimants unilaterally proposed to discontinue their claims in advance of the hearing.”

Mr Hedges was sentenced to life in jail in November 2018, before being eventually released later that month under the terms of a presidential pardon.

The academic was falsely accused of spying for MI6 after being arrested at Dubai airport in May 2018, as he tried to leave the UAE.

Prolonged interrogation

It took a month following his arrest before Mr Hedges was even granted a meeting with a British consular officer.

During the first month of his detention, Mr Hedges, who completed his PhD at Durham University, suffered prolonged interrogation and torture at the hands of the Emirate’s security services, who accused him of spying for the British Government.

In August last year the Parliamentary Ombudsman recommended that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) apologise to Mr Hedges for failing to protect him from torture after he was arrested and pay him £1,500 in compensation.

The UAE government says Mr Hedges was convicted following a fair trial and was treated in accordance with international standards while in detention. In a statement the UAE said: “Mr Hedges received entirely proper care and treatment.

“He had bedding, reading materials, a television, access to family, consular officials and lawyers and extensive medical care. He was never subjected to, or threatened with, either torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of any sort.”

Mr Hedges last November criticised a UAE-funded bid to take over The Telegraph. The RedBird IMI investment fund planning to take ownership of The Telegraph and The Spectator is led by the former CNN chief Jeff Zucker and mostly funded by Abu Dhabi royalty, whose city is the capital of the UAE.

Writing in a letter to this newspaper, Mr Hedges said: “As a victim of torture at the hands of the UAE, simply for undertaking legitimate academic research, I personally attest to the UAE’s disregard for human rights. It would be inappropriate to surrender a trusted media outlet to a foreign state who does not themselves respect freedom of speech.”

British democracy

Mr Hedges said the proposed deal was intended to increase the UAE’s “political leverage and influence” and should be stopped in order to defend British democracy.

A case brought by a second man, football fan Ali Issa Ahmad, was also dismissed on Friday.

Mr Ahmad also claimed he was subjected to torture while under arrest in the Gulf state in 2019.

Mr Justice Soole dismissed Mr Ahmad’s claim against the four UAE officials, along with his claim against  Major General Ahmed al-Dahri, second in command of the Abu Dhabi state security department, as he “has not been served with the claim form, particulars of claim or related documents”.

Mr Ahmad, a dual Sudanese-British citizen, was on holiday in the UAE in January 2019 to watch the Asian Cup match between Qatar and Iraq when he was allegedly assaulted and later imprisoned for wearing a Qatar football shirt.

In a statement in February 2019, the UAE Embassy in London said that Mr Ahmad was “categorically not arrested for wearing a Qatar football shirt” and was instead detained for wasting police time and making false statements after a doctor ruled his injuries were self-inflicted.