Adam Pearson shuts down 'fabricated' Hull FC reports and explains new investor plan

Hull FC owner Adam Pearson at the MKM Stadium.
Hull FC owner Adam Pearson at the MKM Stadium. -Credit:News Images

Adam Pearson has confirmed he is working on 'two to three' Hull FC investment deals. Hull Live first reported on Thursday evening that the club have made significant inroads with potential investors.

The FC owner has also shut down "fabricated" social media speculation and even some media reports elsewhere linking a host of names in the city to a takeover, saying such investment is not from the city of Hull. In fact, Pearson has hired a broker firm from Leeds to get the deals done, with the owner offering his shares in exchange for capital injected into the club.

Pearson told Hull Live last autumn and back in January that the club were open to investment, with a deal expected to be completed at some stage this year. One of those investors may be linked to Andrew Thirkill, the Leeds Rhinos president, whose daughter is the partner of Richie Myler. The ex-Rhinos player is set to be announced as FC's new Director of Rugby in the next few days, as exclusively reported by Hull Live on Saturday.

"I've been in talks for quite a long time now," Pearson told the BBC. "We've got two or three interested parties at varying stages in that process. I'm offering equity for an injection into the club, so my shares are there for no consideration at all.

"We are working with a corporate partner in Leeds to work through the best particular offer that we can get. They're all different kinds of offers, but basically, it will be an injection of capital into the club, which would take us back to being able to compete within the top five clubs in the Super League. That's the aim.

"I would imagine that process will probably take until the end of the season, but it is moving efficiently, and the more publicity that my search for investment gets, the more people pop their head up. The disappointing thing is that none of that interest has come from Hull.

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"We have some fantastic sponsors who have stuck by us so loyally, and they really have been fantastic, but finding that elusive high-net-worth person who wants to put significant funds in alongside the amounts I'm already guaranteeing has proved in Hull to be a fruitless search. I'm hoping that because our process is moving along quite quickly now with other parties, it may perk up a bit of interest from people in Hull and see if they want to come forward and help put the club back at the top of the tree where it should be."

Asked about some wild social media speculation that appeared to gather traction within the FC fanbase, including former player Scott Taylor being involved with local businessman Malcolm Walker, Pearson added; "I didn't know I was paying Scott that much! Mally Walker I have known for many years, and I have huge respect for him, but last time I saw him at York races, he was unequivocally not interested in buying into the club. It's completely and utterly fabricated."

Pearson has also confirmed that such investment in Hull FC would be used to improve all aspects of the squad, overseen by the new Director of Rugby, with marquee players considered to get them back to being a consistent play-off side in Super League.

"For somebody who wants to invest at a reasonable level, we could push and push and push on the playing roster to get back to the top five," Pearson added. "

"You can still compete without marquees, but if you get them right, they can make an impact on the team. Yes, if we could get the deal sorted that I'm working on between now and the end of the season, you would expect to see marquee players again at Hull aligned to what we think is an emerging talent pool coming through the academy aligned to some more workmanlike players. That would be the ideal model."

Read more: Hull FC to make Richie Myler rugby director with Leeds Rhinos investor linked