Alabama’s ‘Woke’ Pre-K Training Manuals Dumped at Recycling Plant: Report

Marvin Gentry/Reuters
Marvin Gentry/Reuters

More than 100 copies of a “woke” pre-K teacher training manual collectively worth thousands of dollars were found dumped at an Alabama waste recycling plant, according to The manuals from the National Association for the Education of Young Children were reportedly found at a plant about 5 miles from the offices of the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education (ADECE) on May 2—the day after ADECE Secretary Barbara Cooper resigned amid a fight about the manuals, which contained passages encouraging teachers to consider their own biases and the cultural backgrounds of their students. estimated that the dumped books had cost the department at least $16,500. Announcing Cooper’s upcoming resignation in April, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey said “woke concepts that have zero to do with a proper education and that are divisive at the core have no place in Alabama classrooms at any age level.”

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