Alan Titchmarsh eats same 'sophisticated' breakfast every day - and it's not what you'd expect

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The green fingered expert is a man of taste but prefers the simple things at breakfast -Credit:(Image: Getty)

Alan Titchmarsh, the beloved gardener and broadcaster, has a surprisingly simple breakfast routine, despite his sophisticated palate.

Known for his green fingers and love of home-grown produce, Titchmarsh has shared in Gardeners' World magazine that he shuns trendy breakfast options like avocado on toast in favour of a more traditional and environmentally friendly £2.50 cereal.

In his column, Alan expressed his distaste for the popular breakfast dish, writing: "It seems there is a great movement towards smashed avocado on sourdough bread. I can't think of anything more insipid to force down my neck at the crack of dawn."

The host of 'Love Your Garden' also considers the environmental impact of his food choices, stating: "I cannot reconcile myself to eating avocados and contributing to the enormous carbon footprint involved in shipping them across the ocean to my breakfast table, not to mention the wholesale destruction of the rainforest to create such plantations."

High angle view of milk poured in shreddies
The gardener likes to enjoy a bowl of Shreddies first thing -Credit:Getty Images

Instead, Alan delights in starting his day with a bowl of Shreddies, which he enjoys immensely. However, he admits to sometimes opting for three Weetabix biscuits when he needs something more substantial to sustain him until lunchtime, a task which he says Shreddies doesn't always do, reports the Express.

Despite his daily choice lacking in home-grown fruits or vegetables, Titchmarsh does enjoy incorporating other types of hand-reared produce into his morning meal alongside his preferred cereal.

In a previous interview with the Telegraph, Alan shared his love for keeping chickens at home, saying: "My reward is a fresh egg for breakfast every day, should I so wish, except from October to January when they go off lay."

He added: "That said, for most of the year four chickens will produce more than enough eggs for a family of four - for breakfast and for baking."

The green-fingered guru also revealed his favourite way to enjoy these eggs, fried alongside a couple of rashers of dry-smoked bacon, accompanied by a cup of tea and a slice of toast and marmalade. According to Alan, this simple meal is "as sophisticated a meal as I [he] would ever want to eat".

He concluded: "I am never happier than when gathering the eggs from Rocky, Chalky, Columbine and Oh-oh. Even if the rest of them are living the life of Riley."

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