Alcoholic who beat her own mum runs out of chances

Danielle Allen appeared at Truro Crown Court for sentencing this morning
Danielle Allen -Credit:Cornwall Live

An alcoholic who beat up her own mum but was spared jail has run out of chances. Danielle Allen, 34, from Frogpool, Truro, appeared before Truro Crown Court today (Friday, April 26) for sentencing after breaching a restraining order made against her in April 2022 when she inflicted actual bodily harm on her own mum during an incident in College Green, St Austell.

At the time, Allen received a 15-month custodial sentence suspended for two years along with an alcohol rehabilitation requirement order, a mental health requirement order and a restraining order not to contact her mother for five years. The court heard how over the next two years Allen only attended about 50 per cent of her appointments with probation and addiction services and could not at times justify her absences as she was under the influence of alcohol.

It was also heard that she breached her restraining order last December when she went to her mother's address, albeit as her defence barrister said, only to drop off Christmas presents for her child.

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She pleaded guilty to the breach in January this year and has remained on remand since. The court heard from her barrister that the services being such that there is no capacity or prospect of a residential rehabilitation treatment at present. In mitigation it was heard that Allen is "desperate to progress on what she has already achieved" and she has now been sober for a significant period of time.

Her barrister said: "She has been tarred by the fact that in the past she didn't properly tackle her alcohol addiction but she wants to demonstrate what she can do. She has been sober for a significant period of time and wants to maintain that going forward. We would ask that she is given the chance to be the sober Danielle Allen not the person the courts have been familiar with."

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His Honour Judge Simon Carr said Allen is an alcoholic who can't drink any alcohol under any circumstances "because it will spiral out of control eventually", adding: "Today is the first time you actually understand that."

He said: "In April 2022 you subjected your mother to an assault for which you faced a prison sentence. But the court decided to give you a chance to sort out your alcohol addiction. You have only attended 50 per cent of your appointments. Probations services have been gentle to give you every possible chance to comply. In December you attended your mother's address and matters escalated and the police were called.

"I accept the strides you have made forward in addressing your addiction."

Sentencing Allen to eight months in prison for the breach of the restraining order, with half the sentence having already been served while on remand, Judge Carr told Allen: "You only have a few weeks to prepare yourself for the shock of release."