Alien Day 2024 - UFO sightings mapped as 9 incidents reported in Hull
Sci-fi fans can see how close they live to alleged UFO sightings with a new map as they celebrate Alien Day this year.
For those with an interest in searching for extra-terrestrial life, April 26 will need no introduction as each year Alien Day is held to mark Ridley Scott’s hugely successful film Alien which was released 45 years ago.
Alien Day was first held by fans of the film series in 2015 in New York and it has since become a global event. The first film in the cult sci-fi horror franchise starring Sigourney Weaver as the iconic Ripley, came out in 1979.
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Now fans celebrate every year on April 26 - or 4/26 on the American calendar, a nod to LV-426, the name of the moon where the aliens were first discovered in the original movie.
Some will enjoy Alien Day by simply watching the films, reading Alien books or graphic novels, or playing Alien video games. But others might want to mark the day with a more immersive experience - by watching the skies for UFOs and possible alien visitors.
The research group UFO Identified has documented 1,789 sightings of unexplained objects in the skies above the UK since 2020. That includes 395 sightings last year alone.
Information was taken from social media, newspaper reports, and Freedom of Information requests, as well as from reports made directly to UFO spotter groups around the UK.
The group’s research shows that people living in the South East have the best chance of seeing a UFO, with 233 documented sightings since 2020, followed by the North West (218) and the South West (193).
You can see the UFO encounters documented where you live using in the last four years using our interactive map.