"I am going to miss my customers"- Popular North Belfast hardware store to close after 45 years

Davy Kater - Kater Hardware, Crumlin Road, Belfast.
Davy Kater outside Kater Hardware on the Crumlin Road -Credit:Justin Kernoghan/Belfast Live

A popular hardware store in North Belfast is set to close at the end of this week after 45 years in business.

Kater's Hardware on the Crumlin Road has been a staple for generations stocking everything from DIY materials to household items and now as the owner Davy Kater prepares for retirement, the business is set to disappear from the busy thoroughfare.

Speaking to Belfast Live, Davy reflected on how the business has continued to flourish over the years despite competition from online and chain retailers opening nearby.

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"I started out as a sales director with Stylux Paints and I used to call into this shop and sell them paint. During that time I had gotten to know the man who owned it and had helped them out and he asked me to take it over.

"I was just a sales man at a paint company, I didn't know anything about running a hardware business but anyway he talked me into it after a week or two and 45 years later I am glad that he did," Davy said.

"Over the years most things about how we operate have stayed the same. Naturally with online stuff now people can buy from home and check out prices which makes it a bit more difficult, but we got through all that and we survived and have returned a profit every year even with big companies like ScrewFix opening down the road, it hasn't impacted us."

Alongside his shop on the Crumlin Road, Davy also owned a hardware store on the Lisburn Road and said that to this day, he still has customers travelling from South Belfast to his store in North Belfast.

Davy Kater inside Kater Hardware
Davy Kater has been serving the local North Belfast community since 1979 -Credit:Justin Kernoghan/Belfast Live

"The best thing about the shop was that it allowed me to help people out," he added. "I have done everything for people here from cutting keys, telling them how to paint, I've done electrical repairs, replaced watch batteries and even fixed a pair of high heels for a woman one time who was well pleased after they broke while she was on her way out for the night.

"You get to know the families, right from the grandparents to the grandchildren. It's amazing how many young kids come in here and you're not standing there looking to see how much money you can get out of people. It is about being friendly and supplying.

"I am going to miss my customers. We have grown up like a family with most of them and I am going to miss this. I have tried to get somebody to take the shop over but two attempts have failed so far and there is a lot of empty shops around Belfast.

"With this type of business, you need to know what you are doing and there are so many different uses for the products which some people just don't understand."

Kater's Hardware is set to close for the final time on Friday and Davy finished by saying that he will miss his customers and thanked those who have shopped with him over the years.

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