'Amazing time': Special headset helped partially sighted P!NK fan enjoy gig

Katrina Thomson <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
Katrina Thomson (Image: Supplied)

A partially sighted P!NK fan enjoyed the Hampden concert with audio description.

Katrina Thomson bought her tickets before she knew the support was available as was astonished by how much it enhanced her experience.

Through Audio Description Association Scotland (ADA Scotland) the music fan received accessible and a VIP wristband.

The 31-year-old said: "We also had our seats changed to a boxed area where they provided the audio description headsets and there was plenty of room to dance!

“Audio description is not a common thing at concerts, so this was definitely new for me, but it was really good to be able to hear enough about what was going on onstage, without overpowering or talking over the songs."

(Image: Supplied)

(Image: Supplied)

(Image: Supplied)

The charity even provided the concert-goer with an image of the stage in advance so she could visualise it.

She added: “When P!NK came on the whole place went nuts. I’ve never heard a crowd so loud. She started by trapezing onto the stage, and it just got better and better after that. She is really amazing.

“We had such an amazing time, and the audio description was really good at just emphasizing everything and making it an experience. I knew I was a fan before I went to the concert, but I didn’t realise how much of a fan I was, every song just got better and better.

“My favourite song was ‘When I Get There’ which is one she wrote about her dad who passed away, it was just such an emotional performance. It was really special.”

Caroline Jaquet, Chair of ADA Scotland adds: “What a joy and privilege it was to describe these enormous gigs! The arrangements went smoothly, the descriptions were challenging but fun to do.

"Our biggest challenge is making more blind and partially sighted people aware of our service, but we had a great time with the visually impaired people we were supporting!”