Amazon’s 30-Minute Drone Deliveries Will Start Next Year

Company will deliver direct to you, not your home address

Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime

There we all were, thinking that delivery by the next morning was pretty fast - but Amazon is to deliver within 30 minutes as early as next year.

The deliveries won’t come in a white van - they’ll be dropped off by a drone, within half an hour of ordering.

Customers will even be able to order goods to their current location (using a GPS smartphone app) rather than to their home address.

Last week, America’s Federal Aviation Administration announced that regulations to govern such drones would be in place within a year - and Amazon said that as soon as these regulations are in place, their drones will take flight.

In the UK, drones would be governed by Civil Aviation Authority regulations - but the company has a testing centre in Britain where it is working on the technology.

Amazon says, ‘We’re excited about this technology and one day using it to deliver packages to customers around the world in 30 minutes or less.

‘We have Prime Air development centers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel, and we are testing in multiple international locations.

Amazon is testing various different models of drone at centres around the world - and experts believe there is strong demand for drone deliveries.