Amy Schumer diagnosed with Cushing syndrome

Amy Schumer has revealed she's been diagnosed with Cushing sydrome, after fans noticed her "puffy face."

"It has been a crazy couple (of) weeks for me and my family," the Life & Beth star confirmed in Jessica Yellin’s News Not Noise newsletter.

“While I was doing press on camera for my Hulu show, I was also in MRI machines four hours at a time, having my veins shut down from the amount of blood drawn and thinking I may not be around to see my son grow up."

She continued: "Aside from fears about my health, I also had to be on camera having the internet chime in. But thank God for that. Because that’s how I realised something was wrong.”

Cushing syndrome is a disorder that occurs when your body makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long period of time.

Symptoms can include high blood pressure, weight gain and a round face. It's very rare, with only 40 to 70 people in a million diagnosed.

"Finding out I have the kind of Cushing that will just work itself out and I’m healthy was the greatest news imaginable,” she explained.

She added that the trolling around how she looked is a “good example of the fact that we never know what is going on with someone. Everyone is struggling with something. Maybe we can all be a little kinder to each other and ourselves."