Animal sanctuary trio take on Three Peaks Challenge for brown bear rescue campaign

Lawrence Bates, Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo. <i>(Image: Wildheart Animal Sanctuary)</i>
Lawrence Bates, Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo. (Image: Wildheart Animal Sanctuary)

THREE Isle of Wight animal sanctuary employees completed the Three Peaks Challenge last month – raising money as part of a campaign to rescue two brown bears from Azerbaijan.

On June 19, Lawrence Bates, Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo of the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary set off for Scotland.

Sponsored by Red Funnel, the trio began their 1,345m climb of Ben Nevis at 6am the following morning, completing the walk up and down the mountain in just over five hours.

After a long drive back to England, the team then started a 978m ascent of Scafell Pike, finishing in just under three and a half hours.

Finally, at 1.30am the following morning, the team began their 1,085m climb of Snowdon in Wales in the pitch black.

They were treated to an amazing sunrise when they reached the top of Snowdon, which they completed in just over four hours, leaving just six minutes to spare of their 24-hour time limit.

Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo on top of Scafell Pike. (Image: Contributed)

It was all to raise money for the sanctuary to rescue European Brown Bears, Benji and Balu, from a concrete pit in Azerbaijan.

“What an experience and what an achievement,” said Mary.

“We are delighted to have raised over £3,600 for a project that is so special to us.

“The discomfort we felt for those 24 hours is nothing compared to the discomfort Benji and Balu have faced for the last ten years.”