Annan Athletic assistant tips new signing Paul McGowan to be big influence

New Annan Athletic signing Paul McGowan
-Credit: (Image: Les Snowdon)

New Annan number two Stevie Bell hailed latest signing Paul McGowan and tipped him to be a big influence on the club in the season ahead.

The former Celtic hit kid has joined the Galabankies and turned out in their midweek friendly at Gretna 2008.

Annan romped to a 3-0 win at Raydale on Tuesday night before 372 fans with McGowan coming on after 58 minutes to showcase his talents.

Tam Muir opened the scoring on 19 minutes, with two trialists adding further goals on 42 minutes and 78 minutes.

Tommy Goss shoots on goal
Tommy Goss shoots on goal -Credit:Les Snowdon

Bell said: “Paul played for the first time against Dundee United last Saturday and he is still a wee bit behind the rest fitness-wise, which is to be expected because he has not had a club and has not trained for a week or two.

“But his qualities are there for everybody to see. He will be a fantastic signing for this club.

“It is a real coup for the club to sign him as only two years ago he was playing for Dundee in the Premiership and captaining the club and winning the Championship and winning promotion with Dunfermline.

“Every team I have been successful with has had five or six Paul McGowans. We are still looking to add to the team.”

Bell revealed how the move came about for him to join Annan and link up with former team mate Wullie Gibson.

Tommy Muir clears for Annan
Tommy Muir clears for Annan -Credit:Les Snowdon

He said: “The manager is someone I have kept in touch with since we were at Stranraer and we left at the same time and we had a good rapport when we were at Dunfermline. We were also at Queen of the South for a short time.

“He is up there with the best I have ever played with on his day. He is incredible. And he phoned me the day after he got the job and sounded me out

“He asked if it was something I would be interested in and it is something I have always been interested in.

“Wullie knows the game inside out and somebody I have a lot of admiration for and I thought it is a good fit and, to be honest, I didn’t have to think twice. This excited me.

“He has shown me up because he is a year older than me and has kept himself in fantastic shape and is still a wonderful player. If he is playing on a Saturday it will be important that (as assistant) I mirror his views and values.

“The manager and assistant manager will probably both do the team talk. They tend to talk a lot about things but first and foremost he is the manager and he will lead it.

“So I am looking forward to it.”