Annotated solutions for Genius 221

Follow the methodology behind Genius 221

* Eight across solutions are one letter too long for their allotted space; these letters should be dropped

to produce another word for entry in the grid.

* Eight down solutions are one letter too short and one of the above eight dropped letters must be

added to produce a word for entry in the grid.

Each of the remaining 16 clues contains a superfluous word (or words); these provide definitions for one

of the new across or down solutions in the grid.


1* pasties [-t] P<ASTI>EST

5 October O<C(ect)/TO/BE>R [‘bargain’/STEAL]

9* loped [-s] SL<OP>ED

10* isolation [-n] INSOLATION/TAN OIL IS ON (anag)

11 earmarked ARM/ARK in DEE (rev) [‘dark’/LIGHTLESS]

12 Parsi IS/RAP (rev) [‘colourful clothes’/TRAPPINGS]

13 scena CEN in S(ex)/A(ppeal) [‘assessing’/RANKING]

15 impending IMP + ENDING [‘steals’/PILFERS]

18 apothegms MOUTHS GAPE less U(niversity) (anag)


19* steak [-r] ST<RE>AK(e)

21* salmi [-a} SA<LAM(b)>I(d)

23* specially [-e} ESPECIALLY/PIECES(anag)+ALLY

25* lightness [-f} FLIGHT + LESS(on)

26* bight [-r] BRIG/H(ome)/T(oday)

27 musical SUM(rev)/I/CAL(l) [‘ran’/LOPED]

28 dudgeon DUD/GE<O(ld)>N [‘pagan’/ATHEISTIC]


1* pilfers [+f} PI<L(ake)>ERS

2 superhero OUR SPHERE (anag) [‘quarantine’/ISOLATION’]

3 India IN + AID (rev) [‘being scrupulous’/STICKLING]

4* stickling [+s] TICK<L(int)>ING

5 ovoid O(ffset)VOID [‘ragout’/SALMI]

6* trappings [+r} T<A/P(iano)/P(iano)>INGS

7* brier [+r] I(d)/E(st) in B(ritish)/R(ailways)

8* ranking [+n] RA<KIN>G

14* atheistic [+a] T<HE/IS/T(enor)>IC

16 possessed PO<(di)SSE(nt)/(di)SSE(nt)>D [‘cut’/STEAK]

17 ideologue IDÉ<O(xford){LOG/U(niversity)}>E [‘goes downhill’/LUGES]

18 Absalom AB (able seaman) + ALMOS(t) (anag) [‘bay’/BIGHT]

20 Krypton T(i)NY PORK (anag) [‘pies’/PASTIES]

22* luges [+e] (s)LUGS

23* steal [+t] nurSE ALone (hidden)

24 imbed 1/M<B(lack)>ED [‘pipe’/BRIER]