Annotated solutions for Prize 28,733

* these 37 clues required a pair of letters to be added to their solutions before entry in the grid, making proper words in the process. These two-letter pairs are abbreviations of the names of US states and appear in the grid more of less correctly positioned in relation to each other.


1* bring B(l/R)ING + AK (Alaska)

7 pawn PAW on N (knight)

9 Oporto 0<PORT>0

13 amoroso double def

15 whisker cryptic def [shaving]

16 specialised SPICES IDEAL (anag)

17 betides BET + SIDE (anag)

18 reel in cryptic def [fishing]

19 Eid DIE (rev)

20 amnesia SEAMAN I (anag)

21* Bute ‘beaut’ (hom) + NE (Nebraska0

22 adagio A(nno)D(omini) + AGIO [% charge on currency deals; Samuel Barber, composer]

24 carpet CAR<PE>T

26* pa PA [Maori settlement/Pennsylvania] + CT (Connecticut)

28 wicks WICK (royal burgh) + S(parkle)

32 rent day cryptic def [‘rent’ = ‘tear’]

34 Aesop (River)PO/SEA (rev)

37* ter T(h)E(o)R(y) [TER(race)] + VA (Virginia)

38 pinto PINT(4 gills) + 0 [horse]

39 electoral ROLL A-E ETC (anag)

40 lining cryptic def [silver lining]

41 Arsenal AR<S(econd)>ENA/L(eft)

45 cannon canon (hom) [canon law]

47 inclusive IN(con)CLUSIVE

51 combe COMBE(d) [D = duke]

52 atoll A TOLL

53 largo LAR(d)/GO

55 helices SCHIELE (anag)

56,54 on the air RIO ATHEN(s) (anag)

58 abrade A/BRAD/(fil)E

61 run dry (s/R)UNDRY

64* cane CAN/(fenc)E + AR (Arknsas)

68 Runcorn RUN CORN

69,57 ashiver ASH/IVER

71 static double def

73 Orleans O(ther)R(anks)/LEANS

75 transporter TRA(1)NS + PORTER

76* opine 0 + PINE + AL (Albama)

77 shimmer S<H(ot)>IMMER

78* ding double def + AZ (Arizona)

80* eland (hom)E/LAND + FL (Florida)


1* bere BE(rwickshi)RE + WA (Washongton)

2* ame chAMEau (hidden) [French for ‘soul’] + ID (Idaho)

3 inkling cryptic def [The Inklings were Tolkien’s literary group]

4 garb GARB(o)

5* toit T(w)O (p)I(n)T(s) [French for ‘roof’] + MT (Montana)

6* loon LOO + N (knight) + ND (North Dakota)

7 posse POSSE(ssion)

8* elder triple def [Sir Mark Elder, conductor; bush; Senior] + WI (Wisconsin)

10* Polo interPOL Operations (hidden) or interpOL OPerations (hidden rev) + NY (New York)

11 resistants S(mall) TRAIN SETS (anag)

12* oldsters SHORTLISTED minus HIT (anag) [old term for midshipmen) + MA (Maryland)

14* rage double def + MI (Michigan)

21* Boer bore (him) + WY (Wyoming)

23* deer (River)DEE + R(iver) + NV (Nevada)

24* co C/O + IA (Iowa)

25,79 propane ON PAPER (anag)

27* bed double def + OR (Oregon)

29* planar P<LANA>R [Lana Turner] + CO (Clorado)

30* sin dresSINg (hidden) + KS (Kansas)

31 eventual VENUE AT (anag) + L(ent)

33 diable double def

35* sliest STILES (anag) + IL (Illinois)

36* P NATO alphabet [Oscar = O, then P] + IN (Indiana)

42* nim MIN(ute) (rev) + MO (Montana)

43* pier PIER(buttress) + CE(51down) = PIERCE (force entry) + NC (North Carolina)

44* ism I(nspiring)/S(o)/M(any) + DE (Delaware)

46 nil falL IN (hidden rev)

48* cere not half (62) CEREMONY (ritual) + OH (Ohio)

49* librated LIBRA/TED + CA (California)

50 modern jazz MODE/R(oyal)N(avy) + JAZZ

51* ce C(ommod)E + OK (Oklahoma)

59* boot double def + NM (New Mexico)

60* a rana AR(abic) + ANA + TX (Texas)

62 not half double def

63 tocsin toxin (hom)

65* Reid RE<I>D [Beryl Reid] + LA (Louisana)

66* alar (p)A(u)L (d)A(c)R(e) + MS (Missouri)

67* reed DEER (23) (rev) + SC (South Carolina)

70 horse double def

72* tai TAI(l) + GA (Georgia)

74 sore SO/RE(d)