Anthony Gordon and Joelinton can point way forward for Newcastle United £28m signing

Football is an ever-changing landscape and therefore the most popular pub game on Tyneside right now is debating who will be bought and sold this summer to put Newcastle United back on an upward curve.

The first signing has already been completed of course with the permanent transfer of Lewis Hall triggered at £28m amid intrigue and a little confusion. So what have United got to help take the club forward?

It must be said even if it is harsh that the teenager looks distinctly over priced on the little we have seen with Eddie Howe reluctant for a long time until his hand was forced by injuries to trust him as a first-team left-back. However we must believe what has been bought is potential. The lad is young and he will learn if he has a willing ear.

READ MORE: Newcastle told to take advantage of financial fair play transfer opportunity

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It has been tough for Lewis, no question, after full of hope joining a club his dad, a Geordie, had brought him up to support from the cradle, but if he wants inspiration let him look to Anthony Gordon. He found it terribly difficult upon arrival to produce the level of fitness required for the high-pressing way United wish to play and some even questioned his value for money but look at him now - a full England international and a Geordie treasure. Then think of Joelinton, transformed from flop to superstar in the blink of an eye.

May Hall enjoy the same rise from his bed of nails that Big Joe and Anthony brought about through willingness to keep an open mind and determination to succeed coupled with a lot of help. Apart from needing to reach peak physical condition to become a high-presser for 90 minutes and more Hall is still learning the defensive arts of his game and seeking his best position to fully utilise his visionary assets - left-back, left wing back, or midfield. He is however in good hands with Eddie and his coaches.

What else do United require this coming transfer window to go to the next level? By common consensus United could do with a centre-half, centre-forward, No 6, and maybe a right winger among others including a back-up keeper.

That being the case who goes to create manoeuvre, not just vacant pegs in the dressing-room but comply with the financial restrictions imposed upon ambitious clubs. Even football's authorities cannot decide what to call their new toy of torture - both the Premier League and Uefa have stopped using the term FFP or Financial Fair Play. The PL now has Profit and Sustainability Rules (PSR) while UEFA rebranded its regulations under the heading Financial Sustainability Regulations. Whatever, the purpose and outcome is sadly the same.

In weeding his garden Howe and his helpers have a delicate job given that the situation is ever fluid. Take Newcastle's midfield. For vast swathes of the current season it picked itself while crying out to be replenished with only three players being available at any one time.

However come the start of a new campaign, regardless of transfer activity, Eddie's options will be greatly enhanced. Not only will an almost forgotten £52m signing Sandro Tonali come back into play after his 10-month ban but two bright young Geordie talents struck down by lengthy injury, Elliot Anderson and Lewis Miley, will be available in tandem for virtually the first time.

With Joelinton having thankfully committed himself long-term and his fellow Brazilian big hitter Bruno Guimaraes also in-house an area once so barren will look positively lush in comparison. It leaves either Sean Longstaff or Joe Willock vulnerable given that senior players may well be sacrificed so others can be bought.

Longstaff would represent pure profit having been academy reared but United legend Malcolm Macdonald would, if pushed by necessity, be prepared to sacrifice Willock as a fundraiser.

Certainly either would be a more acceptable fit than Big Joe or Bruno but I would be very cautious indeed of jettisoning Willock for example. I would much prefer parachutes to be handed to Miggy Almiron and Callum Wilson if they can be found new homes at a decent financial return.

It is a delicate balance to get things right. If Longstaff can shake off an almost permanent injury carried valiantly into battle which has done him little favour even if it has helped out the team then he has much to offer while similarly Willock has been restricted by a lack of fitness but is an athlete who gets his team up the field quickly and to effect.

I would allow Wilson to leave purely on his fitness record. He is a good PL striker without question but that is hardly consolation when he is sitting in the stands for long periods while United battle on with no cover.

There is a case to be made for keeping all United's senior players not beyond their sell-by date because a team is only as strong as its bench. It would be nice to retain Sean, Joe, Callum, Miggy et al and still fill the roster with extra quality but days have changed since Manchester City were first flooded with oil's millions and Roman Abramovich was changing the landscape at Chelsea.

That being so any from Wilson, Almiron, Emil Krafth, Martin Dubravka, Matt Ritchie and Paul Dummett could be deemed expendable.

  • FOOTNOTE: Want to see a legend who was an absolutely terrific signing for Newcastle not once but twice? Oh to get his like again. Peter Beardsley is appearing at the Legion Club in Prudhoe on Thursday May 9 when I will have the pleasure of hosting. Tickets are incredibly cheap at a tenner available from