‘Anybody missing a cat?’ Chaos as feline escapes carrier on plane

A video of the incident was posted on TikTok  (TikTok/david.hislop)
A video of the incident was posted on TikTok (TikTok/david.hislop)

A cat escaped its carrier onboard a flight from Dallas to San Francisco, causing crew to try and find the feline’s owner.

In a video of the incident posted on TikTok by user @david.hislop, a crew member can be heard saying to passengers on the plane’s speaker system: “Gato (cat) is running around the airplane.”

Speaking directly to the owner, the flight attendant added: “We’re gonna need you to come and claim that”.

An attendant is then seen holding the animal up for passengers to see, and asks: “Anybody missing a cat?”. She walks up and down the aisles, checking with people onboard if the escaped pet is theirs.

“Watch out guys,” the female flight attendant says, as the cat wriggles in an attempt to break free from her hold.

She is then seen putting the animal down on the cabin floor. After walking back up the aisle away from the cat, the flight attendant appears to spot the owner who’s missing their pet.

“Is it yours?”, she asks, signalling with a thumbs up to apparently confirm this with the passenger.

The owner proceeds to walk down the aisle to retrieve her pet, and is heard saying: “doesn’t know how to carry a cat.” This critical comment is seemingly about the flight attendant’s efforts to restrain the animal.

People were quick to comment underneath the TikTok video which is titled, “well, that’s a first”.

“She complains that the flight attendant doesn’t know how to hold a cat, but who is the one that let the cat loose on an airplane in the first place,” one user remarked, with this comment racking up a whopping 4,777 likes.

But another person questioned the flight attendant’s approach, asking: “Why is she carrying the cat like it was a bomb?”.

“My first thought is what if someone is very allergic to cats,” someone posted.

“Honestly the loose cat would make my flight 10,000x better,” one user said, while another joked: “Was the seat belt light on? No, then isn’t he free to move about the cabin?”.