The Apprentice fires candidate in lunchbox challenge

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The Apprentice fires candidate in lunchbox taskFremantlemedia Limited - BBC

The Apprentice spoilers follow.

Tonight's (February 16) The Apprentice saw one candidate being dismissed after a task aimed to design a children's lunchbox.

The brand-new episode saw the remaining 10 contestants channel their inner children to design the coolest lunchboxes on the market. These would be paired with an interactive app promoting healthy eating.

Unfortunately, it was project manager Sohail Chowdhary who was left eating his lunch alone after Lord Sugar fired him.

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Freemantle Limited - BBC
the apprentice, sohail talking in the taxi after being fired
Fremantlemedia Limited - BBC

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Leading his team comprised of Marnie Swindells, Rochelle Anthony, Bradley Johnson and Avi Sharma, Sohail went for a treasure chest-shaped lunchbox that didn't exactly scream "exciting".

Meanwhile, Dani Donovan was in charge of the other group, made up of Mark Moseley, Megan Hornby, Simba Rwambiwa and Victoria Goulbourne. The court advocate opted for a leaf-shaped lunchbox, despite the other team members not being convinced the design and concept would appeal to the target market.

Their concerns were backed by the experts during the sales pitch, where the lunchbox was branded "awkward" to use and more suited to three-year-olds.

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As for Sohail's treasure chest-shaped lunchbox, he and Brad went with a plain brown and silver design that was deemed a tad too basic.

The two teams then met their harshest critics: the children of the focus groups. It's safe to say it was a humbling experience for both teams, as Dani's Munch a Lunch was described as "cringy" and "babyish" and Sohail's Platinum Pirate Adventures equally failed to engage the kids.

Following a second, disappointing pitching session to retailers, it was time for the boardroom. There, it was revealed that Marnie's team unexpectedly managed to sell 1,500 units, but Sohail's group sold none.

After consulting with his trusted aides Karren Brady and Tim Campbell, Lord Sugar had to decide who to fire between Sohail, Marnie and Bradley. It was ultimately Sohail who was asked to pack his bags for having created a "poor product" and exhibiting bad leadership.

The Apprentice airs on BBC One, with spin-off series You're Fired airing immediately afterwards on BBC Two.

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