Arctic Ocean is warming by a degree every decade in highest rise since the last Ice Age, 40-year study shows

The warming ocean is causing sea ice to disappear faster than scientists anticipated  - Markus Rex/Alfred Wegener Institute via AP
The warming ocean is causing sea ice to disappear faster than scientists anticipated - Markus Rex/Alfred Wegener Institute via AP

The Arctic Ocean is warming by a degree each decade in the highest rice since the last Ice Age, a newly-published 40-year study has shown.

Scientists say this rapid heating is a threat to the Arctic ice, and temperatures have risen far more sharply than their models predicted.

New research by the University of Copenhagen, published in Nature Climate Change, compares current temperature changes in the Arctic with climate fluctuations that we know from Greenland during the ice age between 120,000-11,000 years ago.

Over 40 years, the average temperature of the Arctic Ocean in most places increased by a degree per decade, and over the Barents Sea and around Norway's Svalbard archipelago temperatures have increased by 1.5 degrees per decade throughout the period.

They found that these temperature rises are so extreme that similar rapid changes were only seen during the last Ice Age.

Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, a professor at  University of Copenhagen and one of the study's researchers explained: "The abrupt rise in temperature now being experienced in the Arctic has only been observed during the last ice age. During that time, analyses of ice cores revealed that temperatures over the Greenland Ice Sheet increased several times, between 10 to 12 degrees, over a 40 to 100-year period."

Until now, climate models predicted that Arctic temperatures would increase slowly and in a stable manner. However, the researchers' analysis demonstrates that these changes are moving along at a much faster pace than expected.

Researchers say this is worrying news for the concentration of ice in the Arctic and recommended that governments reduce greenhouse gases as set out in the Paris agreement to slow the temperature rises.

Prof Christensen added: "Changes are occurring so rapidly during the summer months that sea ice is likely to disappear faster than most climate models have ever predicted. We must continue to closely monitor temperature changes and incorporate the right climate processes into these models.

"Thus, successfully implementing the necessary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Paris Agreement is essential in order to ensure a sea-ice packed Arctic year-round."

The paper recommends more focus on the Arctic so scientists can better predict the impact of rapid climate change on the area.