Ards and North Down Council row flares up over plan to fly flag every day

Google Street View of Newtownards War Memorial
Google Street View of Newtownards War Memorial -Credit:Google

An attempt in Ards and North Down to reverse an Alliance Party veto on union flag policy in the borough has failed.

An effort led by Independent Councillor for Newtownards Steven Irvine to reverse an Alliance and SDLP 'call-in' on a former TUV councillor’s motion to increase flying of the UK union flag was blocked this week at the full meeting of Ards and North Down Borough Council.

Councillor Irvine, despite support from all unionist parties, and with a majority in the chamber, failed in a proposal to allow an equality impact assessment on union flags at war memorials. It came after his motion to change policy for the union flag to be flown at all war memorials in the borough all year round was called in.

Read more: Alliance stops unionist drive to increase union flag flying in Ards and North Down

The motion was a reduced form of a former failed TUV motion from two years ago, which called for amendments to the policy which would allow all year round display at war memorials across the borough and at a Newtownards public building owned by the council.

The original TUV proposal for flag policy change had originally undergone an extensive consultation and equality impact assessment on increased flag presence at council buildings.

According to local government law, only 15 percent of a council is required to call-in a decision, setting off independent legal examination, and in the case of the flag decision at Ards and North Down Borough Council, an equality impact assessment.

If the call-in is seen as competent after stringent analysis by lawyers, it will go back to council, where the original proposal has to then pass an 80 percent threshold of the full council vote to be successful.

Councillors have to give reasons for any call-in, explaining why they believe the decision “was not arrived at after a proper consideration of the relevant facts and issues” and why they believe the decision “would disproportionately affect adversely any section of the inhabitants of the district".

A year ago Alliance successfully used the 'call-in' mechanism of local government law at Ards and North Down Borough Council to stop the council-agreed TUV proposal to amend flag policy which would have seen the flag flown permanently at all 13 war memorials in the borough, and at the council buildings at Church Street, Newtownards.

In 2022, in a meeting away from the public, unionist votes had carried the TUV proposal through committee and council stages. During the ratification process at the full council meeting in January the TUV proposal went to a recorded vote in public. Alliance, the Green Party, the SDLP and an independent voted against the proposal with 13 votes, while the DUP, UUP, TUV and various independents voted in support, with 20 votes.

The most recent flag policy at Ards and North Down, voted in by the council only four years ago, has the union flag flown permanently at seven designated sites around the borough. The flag is flown for 15 days per year at Church Street.

At the full council meeting this week, a recorded vote on the Councillor Irvine proposal showed 21 elected representatives in support, all from the unionist parties, and 13 against from Alliance and the SDLP. This was well short of the 80 percent threshold required to overturn the call-in. Two abstained, and there were four absent.

Councillor Irvine asked Alliance councillors before the vote to abstain to allow a new equality impact assessment to go ahead, without success.

The council debate at the full meeting this week was originally intended to be 'in committee', that is, held away from the public and press, due to sensitivities surrounding the legal advice on the flag policy and the call-in.

Unionist votes however took the matter out of restricted items and made it open to the public, on the proviso no legal advice was referred to. All documents surrounding the item remain unavailable to the public.

Councillor Irvine said: “I am happy to go with the recommendations from the council that we go for the equality impact assessment before we make the final decision. I took it for granted we were to do an EQIA as it was a Section 75 topic. I would ask the ones who made the call-in to let it go for the EQIA and a consultation.”

DUP Alderman Stephen McIlveen said: “There is a bit of a charade going on here. This is a call-in, signed in by Alliance and the SDLP, and they wouldn’t have done that if they didn’t want to stop this proposal, and they have the numbers to do that, as we have to pass this with a qualified majority. The only way to do that is by Alliance also supporting this (officer) recommendation.”

He said: “It was made very clear to anyone who was in the Corporate Committee that we will require an EQIA, this is a fresh decision, it was minutes that all of us in this chamber read, and we knew the rules of the game when making the decision.”

He said: “I mention to Alliance members if they were going to go through the costs of an EQIA or make a call-in at an earlier stage, and of course they brought the call-in at an earlier stage than they did previously, whenever we went to the enormous expense of having a large amount of public consultation.

“But the important thing from that consultation was the huge amount of support that there was for that proposal, particularly around the flying of flags at war memorials. We know we are never going to get 100 percent, but the amount of support that there was really gave an indication of the strength of feeling in the borough.”

Alliance Councillor Martin McRandal said: “We were criticised by some for calling this decision in, but we have been vindicated on that. We used the call-in mechanism for both of its intended purposes, that is, as a check for decisions that are arrived at after proper consideration of the relevant facts and issues, and that it would disproportionately adversely affect any section of the inhabitants of the borough.”

He said: “Alliance continues to support flying of the union flag at war memorials at relevant remembrance events. We understand the need for flying the national flag at acts of remembrance, but we do not support the politicisation of war memorials, or the act of remembrance.

“We believe the bringing of this motion was a political move. We believe the decision taken by the council was a bad decision. Alliance treats the flag with respect, not to score political points.

“The proposal to fly the flag 365 days a year at all war memorials is, we believe, contrary to Section 75 Good Relations policy. Flying the flag at remembrance events is to highlight the significance of the period, and flying the flag could risk undermining this.”

He added: “The decision taken on this matter could result in legal challenge, and I believe we are supported in that.”

Alliance Councillor Chris McCracken said: “This is a manufactured crisis used to blame the Alliance party. It’s disappointing. We live in a liberal democracy, that does not mean the majority get to do everything they want. That means we have values and laws, we have institutions.

“That is what we have done here, we have used mechanisms to protect minority views. We don’t want this to be an emotive matter that stirs up the community, we want Ards and North Down to be a united community that works in harmony and peace with tolerance and empathy.”

He added: “We can’t speak about the legal outcome of the paper, but I think people can just draw their own conclusions about what that might say.”

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