Aristocrat Issues Jaw-Dropping Call For Preemptive Arrests Before King Charles's Coronation

People demonstrating against King Charles in March (left) and Lady Victoria Hervey on GB News
People demonstrating against King Charles in March (left) and Lady Victoria Hervey on GB News

People demonstrating against King Charles in March (left) and Lady Victoria Hervey on GB News

An aristocrat just called for people who might protest King Charles’s coronation to be arrested before the actual event – and Twitter is reeling.

Just days before the UK’s new sovereign is officially crowned in Westminster Abbey, Lady Victoria Hervey suggested that those in charge of the event take the preventative measure of arresting anyone who might exercise their civil right to protest...

Speaking to GB News on Monday night, Hervey said: “I’m all for protesting and all of that, but if I were in charge of this coronation, I would arrest all the heads, all of those kinds of people who would be protesting. Like, pre-coronation.

″And then I’d release them after.”

Host Dan Wootton did quickly check that she meant arresting people “even if they’ve not done anything criminal?”

The aristocrat replied: “If they have a record of doing anything, so all those ‘Just Stop Oil’, all of those lot – just put them in jail.”

A socialite and a model, Hervey is also known for being Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend, having dated the controversial royal back in 1999.

She is the daughter of the 6th Marquess of Bristol, and has made headlines in the past for outlandish comments around the Duke of York and Covid.

And now it looks like she has caused yet another wave of controversy with these latest remarks...
