Armed Forces Day activities include luncheon, parade, flyovers

Apr. 30—Plans are nearly complete for the 2024 Armed Forces Day celebration in McAlester, with an AFD Luncheon, a parade and flyovers included in AFD activities.

This year's Armed Forces Day Luncheon is set for 11:30 a.m. on Friday, May 3. It will be held at a different site this year, inside the Aldridge Hotel Ballroom.

Plans call for the AFD Luncheon to be followed the next day by the Armed Forces Day Parade, set to begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 4, in downtown McAlester. Several flyovers over downtown McAlester are scheduled during the parade.

"Fight Fly Win" is the theme for this year's Armed Forces Day activities in McAlester.


This year the U.S. Air Force is the branch of military service being honored, with a different branch of the military honored annually on an alternating schedule.

Armed Forces Day Committee Chairman Jeff Wolf is hoping for lots of participation from McAlester-area residents for all of the Armed Forces Day activities.

"The more people that show up, the more our veterans will be honored," Wolf said. "We want our veterans to feel honored."

Plans call for doors to open at 11 a.m. for the AFD Luncehon, a half-hour before it's set to begin. U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Christopher B. Williams is the luncheon's featured speaker.

Luncheon tickets are $24 per individual or $200 for a table. Wolf said arrangements for tickets can be made by contacting him at 918-424-5503.


Luncheon plans include a salute to the Missing Man table by McAlester Mayor John Browne.

Members of the Armed Forces Day Committee have been meeting at the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 20 building in Krebs to plan the details for this year's event.

Committee members announced this year's Armed Forces Day dates in early February because they wanted to get the word out early so those wanting to make floats for the downtown Armed Forces Day Parade woud have plenty of time to get started.

"It takes some time to make those floats," Wolf noted.

Those who haven't yet made a float or who would like to participate some other way still have time to do so.

Parade entry forms are available in the lobby at McAlester City Hall and at the McAlester Public Library. Entries are also being accepted by email at, Wolf said.


No plans are in place to select winners for this year's best floats in the noncompetitive event and there are no entry fees for those who want to participate, AFD Committee members said.

"We want to let everyone come and enjoy being a part of the parade," said Wolf.