Arnold Schwarzenegger said he visited UCLA's anti-aging experts for tips — here's his routine for staying youthful

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger said he works out daily and eats a mostly vegan diet to stay healthy at 75.Robert Cianflone/Getty Images
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger said he once visited UCLA's world-renowned aging experts to ask for advice.

  • He said they told him to forget fancy treatments to reverse aging and stick to "old fashioned" healthy habits.

  • At 75, Schwarzenegger works out for 90 minutes a day, eats a mostly plant-based diet and tries to stay positive.

Former bodybuilding champ Arnold Schwarzenegger says he wants to live forever, and experts told him to forget about fancy technology to reverse aging, and focus on simple healthy habits instead, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The 75-year-old fitness icon told the Hollywood Reporter that even the Terminator isn't immune to concerns about an aging physique.

"My whole life I look at the mirror and see the best-built man, and all of a sudden I see a bunch of crap. It's terrible! You get these wrinkles under your eyes. You get wrinkles under your pecs," Schwarzenegger said.

However, he said he had never resorted to expensive treatments or "gimmicks" to stay youthful, and he once visited some of the foremost experts in aging at UCLA, only to be told that there's no secret to staving off the passage of time.

"I asked if anything has been created, or that is about to be available, that reverses aging. He says, 'Absolutely nothing, end of story.' The only thing you can do is the old-fashioned stuff," Schwarzenegger said.

He said that a routine that involves working out and lifting weights, eating well, and staying positive are the simple tips anyone can follow for healthy aging.

Schwarzenegger stays healthy with daily exercise, a mostly vegan diet, and a positive mindset

Over time, the seven-time Mr. Olympia has adjusted his routine to improve his long-term health. In his bodybuilding era, he would work out for five hours a day, but now Schwarzenegger's daily routine includes 90 minutes of cycling and weight lifting instead, he told Insider's Rachel Hosie.

He also shifted to a mostly-vegan diet to lower his cholesterol levels about six years ago. Schwarzenegger has said in his newsletter that some of his favorite recipes include veggie soup with pumpkin seed oil, and protein shakes with berries, banana, and cherry juice.

Finally, Schwarzenegger has also ramped up his social media presence to offer advice and encouragement to fans, and has said his goal to "be useful" and make the world a better place is part of what gets him out of bed in the morning.

"My plan is to live forever — and so far, so good," he said.

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