We asked an AI where the Nottingham tram should be extended to and it had came up with 10 suggestions

-Credit: (Image: Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post)
-Credit: (Image: Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post)

The long, expensive and ultimately pointless saga of the northern leg of HS2 is now a distant memory after the Conservative Party memorably pulled the plug on the project, suggesting the money could be spent elsewhere. Since then many have speculated that some of the cash could be spent extending the tram across the region.

One of the suggestions put forward by current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was to extend Nottingham's tram network to Clifton, which would have been a brilliant idea had it not already been done many many years previously. It was then clarified that he actually meant beyond Clifton, potentially towards East Midlands Airport.

Some of that HS2 money is now in the hands of the East Midlands Combined Authority, headed by newly elected mayor Claire Ward, although during her recent campaign she was keener to talk about Nottingham's bus network as something that could be extended, as opposed to the tram.

That's understandable because while the tram is increasing in popularity again post-pandemic it's not the cheapest type of public transport to build, by any stretch, meaning any investment would be appreciated and probably utilised more than a slightly quicker train to Manchester. It could also convince many to give up the car for good in an era when fuelling up costs an absolute fortune.

Poll: Do you support plans to extend Nottingham's tram network?

But what if there was a change of plan? What could be achieved with the tram network if the cash was handed over to make it bigger and better? We did the only sensible thing - asked an AI - and this is what it said.

What about the proposal itself?

Chat GPT said: "Extending the Nottingham tram system to be most useful to residents would require careful planning and consideration of several factors, including population density, traffic congestion, key destinations, and public transportation needs. Ultimately, the extension of the Nottingham tram system should be a holistic approach that addresses the needs and concerns of the community while promoting sustainable, efficient, and accessible public transportation. It should be adaptable to the evolving needs of the city's residents and integrated into broader urban planning efforts.

When deciding which areas an extension should serve it suggested the following, but wasn't specific:

  • Residential Areas

  • Employment Hubs

  • Education Institutions

  • Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

  • Retail and Shopping Districts

  • Sports and Entertainment Venues

  • Transportation Hubs

  • New Development Areas

  • Tourist Attractions

  • Cultural and Historical Sites

Which specific locations?

When pushed on specifics, and reminding the AI that the tram already serves Clifton, Beeston, The Meadows and QMC, it came up with a list of places that could be achieved, with plenty of cash.

  1. Ruddington: Extending tram services to Ruddington, a growing suburb, could provide residents with convenient access to the city centre and reduce the reliance on private vehicles.

  2. Bulwell: Expanding the tram network to Bulwell would serve a densely populated area, promote economic development, and enhance connectivity to the northern part of the city.

  3. Gedling: Extending tram lines to Gedling would connect this residential area to key city destinations and employment centres.

  4. Colwick: An extension to Colwick, which includes the Colwick Country Park, could encourage more people to visit and enjoy the natural surroundings.

  5. Netherfield: Extending tram services to Netherfield could benefit local residents and promote the use of public transportation.

  6. Basford: Extending the tram network to Basford, an area with significant residential development, would provide residents with efficient transportation options.

  7. Mapperley: Expanding tram services to Mapperley could serve this residential area and enhance public transportation accessibility.

  8. Cotgrave: Connecting Cotgrave to the tram network could provide residents with improved access to Nottingham and facilitate growth in the southern suburbs.

  9. Bingham: Extending the tram system to Bingham, a market town, would offer an attractive and sustainable option for commuters and shoppers.

  10. Arnold: Extending tram lines to Arnold, a densely populated suburb, could alleviate traffic congestion and improve public transportation options.

What about East Midlands Airport

Going beyond Clifton could conceivably point the tram towards East Midlands Airport, as well as other places on the Leicestershire border. Also, an extension in this direction has the added bonus of not needing to cross the River Trent, although it might require a dedicated track instead of using roads, like much of the city's tram.

Chat GPT said: "Extending the Nottingham tram system to East Midlands Airport is an idea worth considering, as it could provide several benefits to the region. However, such an extension would come with some challenges and considerations:

  • Improved Airport Access: An extension to the airport would make it more accessible to Nottingham residents and visitors, reducing the need for private vehicles and taxis.

  • Reduced Congestion: It could alleviate road congestion around the airport and help reduce the environmental impact of travel to and from the airport.

  • Tourism: The tram extension could make Nottingham a more attractive destination for tourists, as it would provide a convenient and sustainable means of reaching the airport.

  • Economic Growth: Improved transportation to the airport could stimulate economic growth by supporting businesses in the vicinity.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Cost: Extending the tram system to the airport would likely require a significant investment. Funding sources and financial viability should be carefully assessed.

  • Technical Challenges: The extension would require infrastructure development, potentially including tram tracks, stations, and other facilities, which must meet airport safety and security standards.

  • Coordination with Other Transport: Coordination with other transportation options, including bus services, car parks, and nearby train stations, would be essential to provide passengers with seamless connections.

  • Land Use and Planning: Land use, zoning, and planning regulations would need to be addressed, as well as potential land acquisition or rights-of-way for the extension.

  • Environmental Impact: Consideration should be given to the environmental impact of extending the tram system, including noise pollution, land use, and any effect on local ecosystems.

  • Public Support: The extension should have the support of the local community and key stakeholders, as well as buy-in from the airport and relevant authorities.

It concluded: "The feasibility and viability of extending the tram system to East Midlands Airport would depend on careful planning, financial considerations, and comprehensive studies. It's a complex project, but if executed well, it could provide long-term benefits by improving connectivity and reducing the environmental footprint of travel to and from the airport."

So there you have it - Chat GPT backs the extension of the tram to East Midlands Airport. Now let's see if it actually happens.