Aspley dad-of-three caught with thousands worth of cannabis and cocaine

Daniel Widdowson
Daniel Widdowson -Credit:Nottinghamshire Police

A Nottingham dad-of-three was caught with more than a quarter of a kilo of cannabis and more than £1,000 of cocaine when police raided the home and caravan he shares with his mother and her grandchildren. Nottingham Crown Court was told that Daniel Widdowson turned to selling the class A and B illegal substances after inheriting a drug debt to those further up the chain who threatened to hurt his family if he didn’t.

The 33-year-old, of Aspley, had messages on his phone consistent with him selling to users on the street. And despite his barrister’s argument not to send her client immediately to jail, the judge said the amounts involved and the length of time he was selling for were too much and too long for him not to be handed an immediate custodial term.

Ellesse Taylor, mitigating, said: “The motivation behind his criminality was his financial struggle. At Christmas 2021, due to stress, he left his employment and he was trying to support his children.

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“He started dealing cannabis socially and the situation escalated and spiralled out of control. He inherited a drug debt and in order to pay it off he was forced to sell cocaine which he says he received no financial gain from.

“Threats were made that his mother would be stabbed. He is not proud of his actions, he has let not only himself but his children down. Since the offences he has found employment in construction and is a hard worker, working eight hours a day six days a week and custody would put him back to square one.”

Abigail Hill, prosecuting, said police stopped a BMW Widdowson was driving in Sandhurst Road, Bulwell, at around 5.15pm on May 9, 2022. She said some wraps of cocaine and a small amount of cannabis were found and a warrant was issued at his home.

The prosecutor said: “He shares the home with his mother, brother and her grandchildren and at the house and in a caravan in the garden were 10 heat-sealed bags of cannabis, further wraps and bags of cannabis and 10 bags of cocaine, which were worth £400 to £1,000 wholesale.

“In total there were 3002g of cannabis and 9.83g of cocaine and £1,020 in cash was also found. There were mobile phones and dealer lists showing he had been involved in the supply of drugs since October 19, 2020.”

Widdowson, of Minver Crescent, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply both drugs and has 12 previous convictions for 18 offences. Jailing him for two years and eight months, Judge Steve Coupland said: “You don’t need me to lecture you that class A drugs ruin lives. It leads people to steal in order to buy them and it is a real problem in society.”