Award-winning pizza restaurant launches live music nights

Eric's Pizza is launching the new "Summer Sounds" music event. <i>(Image: Archant)</i>
Eric's Pizza is launching the new "Summer Sounds" music event. (Image: Archant)

An award-winning restaurant is combining hand-made pizza and live jazz music as it launches a new summer event.

Eric Snaith, also behind Eric's Fish and Chips and the three AA Rosette restaurant at Titchwell Manor, launched Eric's Pizza at Drove Orchards in Thornham, near Hunstanton, in 2020.

In its latest move, the restaurant is launching Summer Sounds, a reoccurring live music night at their yurts.

Jazz act Fawcett and Garford are kicking the event off with improvisational melodies along with some covers of their favourite artists including Nick Drake, Steely Dan and Van Morrison.

Eric Snaith preparing pizza in The Yurt at Drove Orchards, Thornham, near Hunstanton (Image: Archant)

Clark and Zuppardi are also booked in on Sunday, September 22 playing folk and swing classics.

READ MORE: Burn Valley Vineyard to host annual summer jazz party

Finally, Georgia Shackleton and Aaren Bennett are set to perform classic East Anglian tunes on the last confirmed date of October 12.

The event is free to attend with the usual menu available.

Summer Sounds begins today and will run from 2pm until 5pm.