Azealia Banks DROPPED From London Festival Line-Up After Threatening Behaviour

We have checked the social media forecast and must warn you that Azealia Banks’ Twitter account has zero percent chance of chill.

And now, as a result, the US rapper has been dropped as the headlining act for the London Rinse: Born & Bred festival.

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It all started last night after Banks launched into a vile racist rant aimed directly at former One Direction star Zayn Malik, who she accused of ‘copying’ her ideas, before hurling a stream of insults such as “u were the only p*ki in the group and you knew you were there for a reason”, and referring to the 1D star’s mother as a “dirty refugee”.

To make matters even worse, the 24-year-old artist launched into another war of words, with the entire UK rap scene, this morning.

The controversial star claimed that the “UK really can’t rap” and cited it as being “a disgrace to rap culture in general.”


She wrote: “The UK really can’t rap though. UK RAP is just a disgrace to rap culture in general.

“Rap/Hip-hop culture is AMERICAN in itsPUREST form.” (sic)

Resisting from going all-out on the capital letters, she continued: “UK rappers NEVER have swag. It’s ALWAYS FORCED.”

Copyright [Matteo Prandoni/]

Some of her fans were concerned for her safety, knowing that her provocative tweets were likely to cause a stir, and so they warned her against attending the London festival.

She followed up by threatening to exercise her “2nd amendment rights,” referring to her right to bear arms.

When someone else said that they hoped she would still attend the event on June 5, she responded: “Ha! We’ll see !!!! #AMERICANA #PUBLICFIGURE #ARMEDSECURITY” alongside a series of USA flags and gun emojis.


At this point, festival organisers made the wise the decision to pull Banks from the line-up.

They said in an official statement: “We have decided to cancel Azealia Banks’ headline appearance at Rinse Born & Bred.

“Rinse Born & Bred is a celebration of rave culture and has been created for EVERYONE. We celebrate inclusivity and equality.”

Perhaps someone should just remove all internet-enabled electronic devices from Azealia’s possession and call it damage control, eh?