Baby Reindeer real-life Martha appears on Piers Morgan Uncensored to refute stalker allegations

The woman identified as the real Martha from the hit TV show Baby Reindeer has appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored to refute allegations that she is a stalker.

Fiona Harvey, 58, gave her first “big TV interview” to the controversial broadcaster on his YouTube channel.

Over half-a-million viewers tuned in as the woman who inspired the TV phenomenon of the year broke her onscreen silence on Morgan’s show.

Scottish lawyer Harvey threatened to sue Baby Reindeer’s star and writer, Scots comedian Richard Gadd as well as Netflix over the show - which tells the “true story” of Gadd and his stalker.

In Morgan’s 50-minute show, which was pre-recorded, Harvey denied she had sent Gadd more than 40,000 emails, 350 hours of voicemail, 744 tweets, 46 Facebook messages and 106 pages of letters.

She described Baby Reindeer as “completely untrue” and “very defamatory to me, very career-damaging.”

She added: “And I wanted to rebut that completely on this show. I'm not a stalker. I've not been to jail, I've not got injunctions. And this is just complete nonsense.”

Asked about Gadd, Harvey said: “We've had no apologies from Netflix or him, nothing.

“I mean, for someone who says he feels sorry for me, I've had no apology.

Fiona Harvey
Fiona Harvey -Credit:Daily Record

“My character seems to have smashed up a bar, sexually assaulted him in a canal, been to prison.

“There are a number of other allegations, and… That's not true.”

Baby Reindeer is billed as “a True Story”.

She said Gadd was “making money out of untrue facts” and vowed to sue the show's makers after being thrust into the spotlight and suffering online abuse.

She denied ever being at his home, contacting his parents or sending thousands of texts and emails messages.

During the much-anticipated one-on-one, she admitted owning four mobile phones and a string of different email addresses.

She claims to be in a five-year relationship with a lawyer. She went public after being ‘outed’ within hours as the ‘real-life Martha’ online.

She said: “On the internet, sleuths tracked me down and hounded me and gave me death threats.

“So it wasn't really a choice. I was forced into this situation.”

Asked by Morgan if she had watched Baby Reindeer, she said: “No, I think I’d be sick. It's taken over enough of my life. I find it quite obscene.

“I find it horrifying, misogynistic. Some of the death threats have been really terrible online... You know, it's been absolutely horrendous. I wouldn't give credence to something like that and it's not really my kind of drama.”

he added: “I just generally think he's got extreme psychiatric problems… It's a work of fiction. It's a work of hyperbole, as I've always said.

“And there are two true facts in that. His name is Richard Gadd, and he works as a jobbing barman on benefits, in the Hawley Arms.

“And we met, two or three times…”

On whether she was ever in love with Gadd, she said: “Piers. Is that a serious question? No… I gave him the brush off.

“He asked me to sleep with him with a big green spot in his face one day. I said no I'm sorry, I'm not interested. He asked me to sleep with him.

“He said, ‘would I like my curtains fixed’? And I laughed and he said, that's a euphemism.

“You want me to come home with you?

“I said, ‘I've got a boyfriend’. I gave him the brush off big time, I think, you know, subtly so.

“But the bottom line is, no, I don't fancy little boys without jobs. That sounds awful. That sounds really, really callous. But, you know.”

Baby Reindeer was based on the real-life experiences of Scots comedian Gadd, the show’s creator and star.

It follows a disturbing chain of events after he gave a customer of the Hawley Arms pub in London, where he was working as a barman, a free cup of tea.

The woman, who is called Martha Scott in the mini-series, becomes obsessed with him, camping out at his home, attacking his trans girlfriend and sending him thousands of emails.

It is just over a month since the Netflix Show Baby Reindeer premiered and it has earned Gadd rave reviews, along with praise over how he portrayed themes of stalking and sexual abuse.

But one person who isn’t impressed is Harvey, the woman internet sleuths quickly identified as the ‘real’ Martha, who harasses Gadd’s character Donny Dunn in the show.

Harvey first denied being a stalker exclusively in the Daily Record. She also agreed to an exclusive photo shoot and to be identified in this paper last week.

But this was her first appearance on a TV channel, albeit YouTube, with thousands tuning into the Piers Morgan Uncensored show an hour before the interview had even begun to air.

The Scot, originally from Fyvie in Aberdeenshire, went head to head with celebrity interviewer Piers Morgan in the TV clash.

She repeatedly denied stalking Gadd in real life; calling the Scots comedian “psychotic” and a “liar”.

She also claimed she intended to take legal action in the near future.

But when pressed on whether Gadd possessed around 41,000 emails from her, she revealed that she uses four separate phones, saying: “I like keeping people on separate phones”.

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To watch the full interview, go to the Piers Morgan Uncensored channel on YouTube -

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