Bakery sells 200 sausage rolls and 100 cream cakes on 'bonkers' first day

The Craft Bakery opened its fourth shop in Mundesley on Thursday <i>(Image: Debbie Hicks)</i>
The Craft Bakery opened its fourth shop in Mundesley on Thursday (Image: Debbie Hicks)

The team behind a new bakery in north Norfolk is celebrating after a "bonkers" start which saw 200 sausage rolls and 100 fresh cream cakes sold in the first 24 hours.

The Craft Bakery opened its fourth shop in Mundesley on Thursday having already launched venues in Cromer, Sheringham and North Walsham.

Bosses Laura and Paul Thomas were inspired to open in Mundesley after their North Walsham manager, Debs, said there was a gap in the market in the village.

It is the firm's fourth shop in the area (Image: Debbie Hicks)

Mrs Thomas has thanked everyone for their support over the first few days.

"It has been super," she said. "We couldn’t believe the number of people that came out to support us on Thursday and bought up everything in sight.

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"Thank you so much to the people of Mundesley for your support."

The owner added the launch would not have been such a success without the hard work of the staff.

Staff sold 200 sausage rolls and 100 fresh cream cakes in the first 24 hours (Image: Debbie Hicks)

"It has been a huge team effort to get the shop open – what the customers don’t see is our team of bakers working all the unsociable hours to keep the shops stocked with fresh cake and bread.

"They’ve worked so hard this week and upped production to fill all four shops – that’s a lot of baking."

The Craft Bakery Mundesley is open between 8am and 4pm Monday to Saturday and from 10am until 2pm on Sundays in the summer.