Bandersnatch: Black Mirror creator reveals there are hidden scenes even he can't access: 'It was an accident'

Since the release of Bandersnatch, Black Mirror fans have made their way through the film’s various endings, plus some surprise twists – but it turns out the interactive film has even more layers than previously thought.

Creator Charlie Brooker has revealed there are more hidden scenes that fans have yet to see, though discovering them may be tricky.

It turns out even the film’s creators can no longer access the footage, due – according to Brooker – to an “accident” that occurred while the interactive episode was being crafted.

The hidden scenes consist of footage that was made redundant during the creation process, which would have been deleted – if the team were still able to access them without compromising the entire project.

“We only can’t access them because we made changes to quite a few things and as a result — and technically, because of the way it’s been put together — is like one big timeline with all the footage on it and it sort of jumps to points along that timeline,” Brooker told The Wrap.

“So there was a point after which, I think, we delivered [and] finalized that timeline, where we then altered something to do with the interactive path, which meant that now one or two sections were redundant.”

Just last week, Netflix revealed another secret ending to Bandersnatch, which enables viewers to make decisions on the protagonist’s behalf, thus shaping the course of the plot.

“Think you’ve seen everything there is to see in Bandersnatch? try picking up the family photo, twice,” the streaming service tweeted.

Others have discovered that it's possible to access a hidden game from a secret post-credits scene.

You can read our full interview with Brooker here.

Bandersnatch has five official endings according to Netflix, all resulting from different combinations of choices made throughout the episode.