Bang average Rangers are in meltdown as giddy Celtic fans hit Hotline to declare the banter years are back

Celtic supporters have been in party mode since the final whistle blew on Saturday’s Old Firm win.

But the cork burst off the champagne for real at Kilmarnock on Wednesday after a third straight Premiership title was sewn up with a 5-0 win and a performance bubbling over with quality. As expected, the joy, glory and downright bragging from the Hoops fans was flowing on the Hotline. First up is Lance Little, Erskine, who laid it on thick when he said: “Once again Rangers fans believed their team was good and they had a messiah as a manager. Then the light came back on and really hit home. They saw that they have a bang average team and boss. Once again Celtic sit top of the league. Rangers are in meltdown whilst we are having fun. The banter years continue.”

Kenny Wilson, Moffat, said: “Another title in the bag with a five-star display. The football at times was outstanding and every player was in top form but Matt O’Riley was different class yet again and Adam Idah was also tremendous.

"In top form heading into the cup final and if they play like that the double will be ours. As for all the doubters about Brendan Rodgers he has delivered yet again.”

Charles Maxwell emailed: “Well done Celtic. The best performance of the season by far both on and off the park. The team played great football, scored great goals and kept a clean sheet. The fans sang their hearts out for 90 minutes, best I’ve heard, and didn't disgrace themselves by throwing missiles. Now that's how to represent the club.”

David Bryce, Troon, said: “Celtic were absolutely sublime at Rugby Park. My only question is why it took us that long to perform to such a level. However we are champions again and congratulations to Brendan and the Bhoys! Magnificent stuff.”

Stephen Mulhern emailed: “It was ironic Celtic arguably turned in their best performance over the season against a side that we lost to on the previous two meetings at Rugby Park. Resting Kyogo and starting with Idah was the key to such a emphatic victory. And I for one am looking forward to having some fun when I attend the Final a week on Saturday.”

-Credit:SNS Group
-Credit:SNS Group

Tam Williamson, Lanarkshire, boasted: “Wednesday’s headline was ‘It's not Dun yet’, Well it’s well and truly Dun now! And if Big Phil loses to Scotland's biggest, richest and most successful club in the Cup Final then he will be Dun for permanently at Ibrox.”

Paul McCormack, Coatbridge, added: “Doing the talking on the park is one of our greatest strengths and always has been. Champions again, Glasgow Celtic.”

And Arrin Geddes, Irvine, said: “Despite a few blips along the way Celtic have shown in their last three games the level this team are at compared to all the other teams in the league. Champions Again, Ole, Ole!”

Meanwhile, Gerry Lee emailed: “Rangers fan Rab Picken stated about a month ago 'Rangers will dominate for years to come. Real kings of Scotland' He should take back his crystal ball for a full refund!”

Gers fans are licking their wounds but know they can salvage some pride in next week’s Scottish Cup Final. Not that that was easing much of their pain. Jamie Thompson, Yoker, blasted: “Rangers fans will never forgive the team that lost to Ross County and drew with Dundee and gave league to Celtic. If Celtic win Scottish Cup then once again these players have failed Rangers, the board and fans.”

Robert Livingstone, Palm Beach, said: “Cup Final notwithstanding, what's gone wrong with Rangers season? You could fill the sports pages on that. No doubt Michael Beale was the main culprit with so many poor signings. I find it hard to blame poor Phil Clement, he could only play the hand he was dealt, it turned out a busted flush. He probably wanted Lawrence Shankland but the board didn't after being burned by Beale's costly £14million flops in the end it cost them the league.”

Ian Renton emailed: “Rangers’ performance in the first half against Dundee on Tuesday was abysmal. I can only image that Clement held up a team sheet at half-time, with just Jack Butland’s name on it, and told the players ‘this is his team for the cup final so far’.

Finally, Jim Forsyth, Bellshill, had a message for the Union Bears when he said: “I was disappointed to see those who claim to be Rangers cheerleaders walking out. We ran out of steam due to injuries. Remember where we were under Beale. The team gave us hope and should be applauded.”