Bar tells burglar 'hope the vodka and stitches were worth it'

The Angus on Dale Street today
-Credit: (Image: The Angus/X (Twitter))

Staff at a popular city centre bar found themselves "mopping up blood" this morning when they came in for their shifts.

The Angus Tap & Grind on Dale Street was broken into during the early hours of this morning (Thursday May 23) resulting in a broken window, stolen spirits and "quite a bit of blood".

The bar took to social media site X to inform followers of the burglary. The post reads: "Not the best scene to come into earlier. A smashed window, a load of bottles of spirits stolen and quite a bit of blood to mop up.

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"We have a team that works hard in difficult circumstances who don't need this. We hope for whoever did this the vodka and stitches are worth it".

This isn't the first time the bar has been broken into, with thieves targeting it back in 2021 and helping themselves to the staff's hard-earned tips.

The Angus opened its doors in August 2020. It serves coffee supplied by Crosby Coffee, as well as six real ales and eight craft beers on constant rotation. Guests can also have Corona, Staropramen and Pravha on draught along with a range of wine, spirits, bottled beer and independent tins.

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: "We are investigating after a business burglary in Liverpool City Centre today, Thursday May 23. At around 5.45am, a report was received of a window being smashed at The Angus Tap & Grind on Dale Street, and bottles stolen from inside.

"Forensic and CCTV enquiries are ongoing.

"Anyone with information is asked to contact @MerPolCC with reference 24000464639."

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