Barack And Michelle Obama Celebrate Daughter Malia On 24th Birthday With Adorable Childhood Photos

Barack and Michelle Obama kicked off Independence Day with a dose of love.

On Monday, the former first couple took to Twitter to share adorable pictures of their eldest daughter Malia to honor her 24th birthday.

“Happy birthday, Malia! No matter how sophisticated, accomplished, beautiful, and gracious a young woman you’ve become—you’ll always be my baby. And I will always be here to lift you up,” the 44th president wrote.

The former first lady followed suit with an equally heartwarming image of Malia’s infant days, writing: “Happy birthday, Malia—and Happy Fourth of July, everybody! 24 years ago, this day became extra special when your wonderful spirit arrived in this world.”

She applauded the 24-year-old for the “beautiful” person she’s become.

“I’m so proud of the beautiful, caring, and driven young woman you’ve become,” Michelle added. “I love you so, so much! Love, your Mommy.”

Last May, Malia graduated from Harvard University.

During an episode of “CBS This Morning,” Michelle shared her enthusiasm about her oldest daughter’s upcoming life plans.

’I am excited for her next chapter. That’s why I want to be as excited as every parent,” she said last May.

Previously, Malia interned on Lena Dunham’s “Girls” and at the Weinstein Company. She also worked as a production assistant on Halle Berry’s CBS sci-fi mystery series “Extant.”

In March, actor and director Donald Glover told Vanity Fair that Malia is a writer for his new Amazon series “Hive.”

“She’s just like an amazingly talented person,” Glover shared. “She’s really focused, and she’s working really hard.”

“I feel like she’s just somebody who’s gonna have really good things coming soon,” he added. “Her writing style is really great.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
