Barmaid becomes landlady as Lucy returns to pub set to reopen after huge makeover

A former barmaid has returned to the pub where she used to pull pints but this time will be the new landlady. Lucy Bates will take over the White Lion, in Stockingford, this summer once seven weeks of refurbishment work have taken place.

She left the pub, on Croft Road, 10 years ago but it has a special place in her heart as it was also where she would come with her family as a child. Before she gets back behind the bar though it will shut on May 12 for a £230,000 upgrade by owners Star Pubs.

Lucy said: “My family used to drink at The White Lion and so I first visited it as a child. I then worked there for four years as a barmaid. I am thrilled to be returning now to run The White Lion as I love the community and the pub. When I heard of the plans for the refurbishment I leapt at the chance to take it on as I could see its potential.

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"I shall also be moving to the pub, making it my home, so I am very much looking forward to seeing familiar faces and welcoming new customers."

Upon reopening the pub will offer sports on a new TV system, quizzes, family events, live entertainment at weekends and an increase in seating to 87.

There will also be a redecoration and an upgrade to the toilets with a further 100 seats in the rear beer garden. The refurbishment includes energy efficiency work such as extra insulation and motion sensor lighting.

Pete Reynolds, from Star Pubs, said: "We’re delighted that Lucy is taking on The White Lion. Prior to this move she was running a pub in Hinckley which she completely turned around. Having been born and brought up in the community and worked at The White Lion herself, she’s well placed to take it to the next level and create a fantastic local for the community to enjoy.

"I’m sure she’ll do a fabulous job."

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