Baseball Fans Maintain Social Distance as Taiwan Allows up to 1,000 to Attend Games

Spectators were allowed in stadiums to watch Taiwan’s professional baseball league on May 8 as COVID-19 restrictions lessened, making Taiwan’s ballparks the first in the world to be opened to fans amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Up to 1,000 people were allowed inside Taichung Intercontinental Stadium on May 10, but with some restrictions such as staggered seating, no eating, and mandatory mask-wearing, according to local media.

Taiwan’s 2020 baseball season originally commenced without fans, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, and the stands were filled with mannequins and cardboard cutouts, media reported.

Taiwan recorded no new cases of coronavirus on May 11, with the island’s total cases at 67,400 according to local health authorities. Credit: connie829miemie via Storyful