Basket auction fundraiser starts Monday

May 4—GREENSBURG — The Community Healthcare Clinic of Decatur County, 1821 N. Broadway Street, has announced a new fundraising effort to raise the money needed to improve its dental clinic.

The current dental clinic is showing its age. Dr. Anthony Noles' efforts to repair the available equipment is much appreciated by all involved, but it's time for upgrades.

"Our goal to redo the clinic is $20,000. Through donations and support of the remodel, we are currently at about 30% of that goal," Community Healthcare Clinic of Decatur County Executive Director Emily Verseman said.

With that in mind, Verseman said she is excited to announce "Bid to Give," which officially kicks off Monday, May 6.

"We have several baskets that were put together by board members of the clinic. They range from a gardening basket, summer fun baskets, a Welcome sign for your front porch and much more!" she said. "One basket will be auctioned off per day starting Monday, May 6. Bids will be opened each morning at 8 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. You will be able to see the basket up for bid and will be able to bid on our Facebook page that can be found by searching Community Healthcare Clinic of Decatur County. All money raised from the bidding of baskets will go directly towards our fund to remodel our dental clinic."

The clinic is celebrating its 40th year of serving those in Decatur County who are either uninsured or under-insured that meet income guidelines.

The clinic offers both dental and medical services to those in need for the low cost of $20 per dental visit and $10 per medical visit. In the last year, the clinic was also able to open the Patient Pantry to help support the food uncertainty of the clients it serves.

"Decatur County's Got Talent," a recent planned fundraiser, was unfortunately postponed due to circumstances beyond the clinic's control. Verseman indicated a new date for that effort should be announced soon.

The clinic is supported by Decatur County United Fund, Decatur County Council, Decatur County Community Foundation, several churches and private donors.

"We appreciate any donations or grants the clinic receives," Verseman said. "We strive to be good stewards of the funds we get."

Those interested in contributing to the clinic are encouraged to mail their donation to 1821 N. Broadway St., Greensburg, IN 47240.

If you are a resident of Decatur County and are currently going without medical or dental care, call the clinic at 812-663-7707 or email at

"Regardless of your circumstances, the staff at the clinic will work to help you find a solution," Verseman said. "In the meanwhile, don't forget that starting Monday it's time to bid on the baskets we're auctioning off."