Battle of Worlaby level crossing as inspector to decide whether it should open or close
A public inquiry into the closure of a level crossing heard tense exchanges between North Lincolnshire Council and Network Rail.
A three-day inquiry into Worlaby level crossing, Carr Lane, was held from Tuesday to Thursday, and will resume on May 9. The crossing's pedestrian gates were closed in 2018, but the council argues that it should be a public right of way.
Mark Yates, a planning inspector, chaired the inquiry at Worlaby Village Hall. He will ultimately decide whether the council or Network Rail has the stronger case.
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The closure of the crossing cuts off access to Ancholme Way, a council-promoted walk and cycleway between South Ferriby and Brigg, along the riverside. Following its closure, North Lincolnshire Council made an order to record public rights over the railway, and down to the River Ancholme.
Network Rail objected to this on the basis that the order route was provided as a private access road in or around 1820 and it has not held any rights for the public. The inquiry was held to make a clear ruling on which party is correct.
On the opening day, the hall was packed out as scores of residents put forward submissions about their use of the crossing. "It matters to us and local residents because it's cut off access to the River Ancholme," Cllr Mike Speakman, who chairs Worlaby Parish Council, told us later. "There's a lot of evidence that people have had access to the Ancholme for something like, it would appear, 100 years or more, so we feel a bit aggrieved. We think there's an established right of way."
The route was used by cycling and walking groups from all over North Lincolnshire, Cllr Speakman said. He was particularly struck by the historic memories raised by residents in evidence to the inquiry. "It would appear that in the '50s and '60s particularly, it was the kids' playground for the village," he added.
Day two of the inquiry saw testy exchanges as an advocate for Network Rail, Mr Lopez, cross-examined the council's case officer, Mr Wilkinson, with the latter complaining at times that the questions were hostile..
Mr Lopez expressed respect for the users who had submitted evidence about the crossing, with some points dating back to 1920. He name-checked William Wilson, a fisherman, as the source of the earliest date. But he looked to cast doubt on the solidity of the council's case for public access before the railway's existence.
Much time was spent focussing on the council's case for long-standing public access to the river via Carr Lane. This rested on Worlaby having had a landing point for ferry packets. Network Rail's advocate challenged whether the evidence amounted to proof of its public use. "There's nothing to say that it stopped at Worlaby," he said of a 19th century ferry packet service that ran along the River Ancholme.
Mr Wilkinson defended the evidence. "We know there was a service, we know when it began, we know when it disestablished. We know Worlaby had a landing."
Mr Yates, the planning inspector, had to interject on a number of occasions during testy exchanges. Mr Lopez said the case officer was being "obfuscatory" a number of times, expressing exasperation at the answers given. At one stage, Mr Lopez said he did not find Mr Wilkinson to be a plausible witness.
Mr Wilkinson complained at points that the advocate was hostile. During one intervention, the inspector stated that he would usually ask an advocate to cease if they were being particularly overbearing.
In most cases, Network Rail closes level crossings on safety grounds, and witnesses were to be called forward in the inquiry's latter stages to cover the topic of safety.
A decision is not made at the inquiry's conclusion. It will be made in the weeks ahead.
Note: This article has been updated to reflect the inquiry's adjournment, to be resumed on May 9.