BBC The Apprentice final viewers spot major problem as Rachel wins and beats pie man Phil

Rachel Woolford won the series
Rachel Woolford won the series -Credit:BBC

It's been 12 weeks of ups and downs but Leeds fitness entrepreneur Rachel Woolford has beaten out pie man Phil to become Lord Sugar's next business partner.

Most of The Apprentice fans before tonight were sure nine-time loser Phil Turner was being groomed to become Alan Sugar's next £250,000 investment after being kept in the competition right to the final despite only one win and nine straight losses in the tasks.

But in the end, Rachel was deemed the fittest investment with her two Yorkshire gyms.

Read More: We went to The Apprentice star Rachel's North Studio gym in Leeds and this is what we found out

During the episode, Phil and Rachel went head to head with the help of some former candidates to try to launch their new businesses with a brand name, digital billboard and a 'Metaverse' VR space; Rachel her gyms and Phil his pies.

Rachel got first pick of the candidates and chose Flo and Tre among other top candidates to be on her side, although dentist Paul went to Phil's team.

During branding, Rachel went for 'Studio Build' (spoiler alert - she doesn't keep it, because her gyms which we visited is now called North Studio).

Phil rejected the suggestion 'Phil My Pies' and ended up going with Prestige Pies.

In the last boardroom meeting, Phil did himself absolutely no favours as he said 'there's more to business than making profit'.

Alan Sugar fired back as he said: "Not really. There isn't really. That is a dangerous statement. Let's cut the crap. We're in business to make money. Well, I am. You made a loss last year."

Phil replied that he reacted too slowly to inflation including sharply rising energy costs but he had now put prices up.

Rachel revealed she had made £250,000 from her 'tiny' Leeds gym (you can see the prices here).

During the final moments of the finale, Lord Sugar said: “This is a very tough decision, I’ve got to say because I’ve got two very, very credible people in front of me.

“I’ve got Rachel who claims she’s making money and that she’s going to make even more when she gets the second gym up and running – but gyms are, with all due respect, two-a-penny.

Phil launched his Prestige pies by post business
Phil launched his Prestige pies by post business -Credit:BBC

“Specialist pies are not and it’s a market that I’m very interested in, but how can I be interested in it if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. There’s a loss-making business at the moment which you tell me is going to turn around and be okay, and that’s my dilemma.

"It’s very, very hard for me. I’m having trouble here. But my gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you’re going to be my business partner."

Fans spotted a big problem with the final episode though - why do they have to relaunch their own businesses?

@northernlawd said: "Although it’s still one of my favourite shows, the format of #TheApprentice feels very tired. I hope they revamp it next year and bring back serious business candidates - not just attractive people who want to be on TV."

@leedsirish1988 said: "I don’t get it. Why are they being asked to come up with names, branding etc for their already well established businesses??? #TheApprentice"

@adamgray50 said: "Why do they have to come up with new brand names instead of their existing ones? #TheApprentice"

@telferino147 said; "The most underwhelming series of #TheApprentice"