BBC The Apprentice Phil and Rachel final sparks furious format complaint from fans

Pie man Phil and gym buff Rachel are in The Apprentice final as Flo, Tre and Paul miss out
Pie man Phil and gym buff Rachel are in The Apprentice final as Flo, Tre and Paul miss out -Credit:BBC

Phil the pie man and gym guru Rachel are in The Apprentice final after Lord Sugar fired fan favourites Flo, Tre and Paul.

Dentist Paul refused to surrender enough shares of his business for Lord Sugar after a last minute business switch following brutal interviews from the likes of Mike, Linda and of course, Claude Littner.

Meanwhile Tre's testosterone shots and Flo's recruitment were both snubbed in the final moments - sparking furious complaints about the 'business plan' format from fans.

Read More: The Apprentice viewers work out why Phil will win series

Lord Sugar fired Tre, telling him "you're a good bloke but your business is not up my alley mate. It's with sincere regret that, you're fired."

He added: "Flo I think you've underestimated the difficulty in starting your business from scratch. I'm going to have to let you go. I do wish you very well but it is with regret that, you're fired."

Lord Sugar then fired Paul because he wanted a stake in his full dental business, not just one practice.

"Right well congratulations you two, you're in the grand final and one of you is going to be my business partner."

Flo was fired but Phil was put through to the final
Flo was fired but Phil was put through to the final -Credit:BBC

Phil, who lost 9 tasks in a row, and Rachel, were then put through to the final despite Flo having the best record during the process.

Raging fans said it shows the key weakness with the new business plan format.

@oh_ffs said: "So it’s just now a variant of dragons den…. #TheApprentice"

@lPyndsey said: "I know #TheApprentice is an entertainment show but Phil getting through to the final literally proves that the tasks on the run up to the interviews are pointless in terms of proving anything to Lord Sugar, they are just for entertainment & it's all about the business potential!"

@johnnymgdraws said; "“Your business isn’t up my alley mate so, you’re fired” Could have told them that in week 1 and saved a lot of hassle Alan, mate…"

@prxtsh said: "I miss the old days where Lord Sugar was just looking for a PA. What’s the point going through all the tasks when it’s clear which business Lord Sugar wants to invest in. #TheApprentice"

@slyviabigbrother added: "Sorry but how the f*** is Phil in the final? #TheApprentice"

Claude Littner interviewed the candidates
Claude Littner interviewed the candidates -Credit:BBC

Notable moments during the interviews include Phil being rumbled for fibbing about the business founding date, claiming 'established in 1933' on his shopfronts.

Rachel found her planned business domains were pinched from under her by interviewer Mike, while Paul was told by Linda he should have gone into cosmetic dentistry and not manufacturing scrubs.

And Flo was told her business plan for recruitment made 'no sense'.

Interviewing Flo, Claude said: "This is the rantings of a lunatic. You'll be bust within four months. I just don't see it. If you hire 15 staff, and you get to month two and you haven't done anything, you'll be in real trouble.

"It's possible but it's not probable."