BBC Gardeners' World's Monty Don issues urgent 48 hour warning for three garden jobs

Monty Don on Gardeners' World
Monty Don on Gardeners' World -Credit:BBC

Gardeners' World star Monty Don has given a warning over three urgent jobs that need to happen now in your garden. The well-loved horticulturalist, 68, is known for his incredible Longmeadow garden.

And he's been sharing more of his top tips with viewers. Speaking on the new episode of Gardeners' World on Friday night, he urged people to tackle their tulips, broad beans and advised them to make comfrey tea.

He advised these were all jobs that could be done this weekend - before it's too late.

Read more Monty Don urges BBC Gardeners' World viewers to make 'unusual' change to houseplants

Deadhead tulips

Monty is known for his impressive tulips - and warned it's essential to start deadheading them straight away.

Monty snaps the seed heads off his tulips
Monty snaps the seed heads off his tulips -Credit:BBC

He explained: "Most tulips will have finished flowering by now and in order to ensure a display next year, snap off the seed heads, which you'll find will happen very easily. And this will mean all the energy from the stem and the leaves will be put into making new bulbs for next year."

Make comfrey tea

Monty revealed how you can make an easy plant feed for free, using comfrey plants. He said: "Homemade comfrey tea is a really effective, high pot ash feed and of course free."

Monty Don making comfrey tea
Monty Don making comfrey tea -Credit:BBC

He explained to viewers how to make it, adding: "Cut the plants down to the ground, using the steams and leaves and flowers, chop them up and put them into a container, and then top this up with water until it's full. Set it aside for at least three weeks, and it will smell bad I warn you, drain it off so you have a comfrey tea concentrate to use as a feed."

Support broad beans

Monty's last urgent job for gardeners is to make sure their broad beans can grow without bending under their own weight. He urged: "Early sown broad beans will now need supporting.

Broad beans with a support
Broad beans with a support -Credit:BBC

"Using canes and string, create a few tiers of support just so they don' topple over under their own weight. And then when the beans are finished in a month or so time the whole thing can be easily dismantled."